Planned Parenthood is a business that likes to pretend they are helping women–but the truth is women across America are suffering over regret for the unimaginable decision to have their unborn baby killed while growing inside their wombs.

In addition to cashing in on the business of taking the lives of millions of innocent children in the womb, Planned Parenthood is also advocating for the teaching of sex ed to children from Kindergarten- through senior year in high school, which includes porn education.

In 2014, Planned Parenthood appeared before our United States Congress to appeal for federal taxpayer dollars to assist them with their sick efforts to indoctrinate and sexualize our youth.

From the Planned Parenthood (parentless) website:

Planned Parenthood has the nation’s largest network of sexual health educators, providing accurate, age-appropriate information to teens and adults in schools, health centers, and communities nationwide. 

Now, it’s been revealed that an executive director at Planned Parenthood’s sex education branch is claiming that children are born “sexual” and has called for comprehensive sex education from kindergarten and porn literacy for older age groups.

Exec. Director of Planned Parenthood’s Sex Education Branch  Bill Taverner

Daily Mail – Bill Taverner, who has advocated for sex education at US congressional briefings, said in 2015 that ‘we are all sexual beings from birth to death.’

He said: “[We have] in our society an assumption of asexuality of people with intellectual disabilities.”

“It’s a myth that’s perpetuated, and really we are all sexual beings from birth until death,” the executive director of Planned Parenthood, located in New Jersey, said.

Bill Taverner

The sentiment was echoed by Planned Parenthood, which said in a guide entitled “Fundamentals of Teaching Sexuality” that “sexuality is a part of life through all the ages and stages.”

“Babies, elders, and everyone in between can experience sexuality.”

But many have slammed Taverner’s unearthed comments – saying that the ideas he peddled, in fact, ‘promote pedophilia.’

Just three years earlier, Taverner said children of a certain age should be taught about pornography in sex education, a position he has maintained up until at least February last year, Fox News reported.

Just three years earlier, Taverner said children of a certain age should be taught about pornography in sex education, a position he has maintained up until at least February last year, Fox News reported.

Parents are up in arms over the sexualization of our children in schools, and a massive groundswell of grassroots candidates across America are running for school board positions currently held by school board members who refuse to stand up for our children. It has never been more critical for parents and grandparents to get involved and remain involved in their kids’ schools and understand the curriculum that is being taught to their children.

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