Remember Fusion GPS (please see our previous report on this below)? They are the opposition research firm behind the Trump “golden showers” dossier that attempted to embarrass the president with untrue stories of sexual escapades. Well, Fusion GPS had been ordered to turn over the dossier to the Senate Judiciary Committee late Wednesday but when they turned them over it was clear Fusion GPS was trying to pull a fast one on the Senate: “The committee is reviewing the production received late this afternoon from Mr. Simpson, but virtually all of the documents appear to be merely news clippings rather than records of Fusion’s substantive communications.”
The paltry document production escalates the standoff between Fusion GPS and the Judiciary Committee, which is chaired by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.
After Simpson declined an invitation to testify before the committee last month, Grassley issued a subpoena to compel him to appear. But the subpoena was withdrawn after Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, said he would voluntarily meet in a closed session with committee staff.
A date for that meeting has not been set. WHY NOT???
Last month, the committee requested records from Fusion GPS, the Trump campaign, Donald Trump Jr. and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort as part of its investigation into Russian meddling in the election.
The Trump campaign gave the committee 20,000 pages of records last week while Trump Jr. and Manafort produced 250 pages and 400 pages of records, respectively.
The committee is one of three congressional panels investigating Russia-related matters, including the dossier and the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting held between Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney linked to Fusion GPS.
In its request to Fusion, the Judiciary Committee asked for contracts that the firm signed for its work on the dossier.
Fusion was initially hired to investigate Trump in Sept. 2015 by an unidentified Republican donor who opposed the real estate mogul. After Trump ascended to the GOP nomination, the donor dropped the project. But Fusion soon found a Democratic ally of Hillary Clinton’s — also still unidentified — to continue the research. Fusion hired Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent, to conduct the investigation.
Fusion and Steele’s firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, have worked together on various projects since 2010.
The committee also asked Fusion to produce contracts and communications regarding its work against the Magnitsky Act, a sanctions law opposed by the Russian government.
Who exactly was paying Fusion GPS for all of its projects against Trump? Read more: Daily Caller
SHOCKING TESTIMONY Confirms Comey Used Fake Russian “Golden Showers” Dossier to Target Trump [Video]
During congressional testimony, the CEO of Hermitage Capital was speaking about the “Foreign Agents Registration Act” (FARA). During the testimony the origin of the Fusion GPS ‘Russian Dossier’ was discussed (please see our previous report on this below). The Hermitage Capital CEO revealed that the Russian government actually paid Fusion GPS to create the fake “Golden Shower” propaganda dossier on candidate Trump. Here’s the kicker: That same dossier was used by the FBI in June/July 2016 to generate the FISA surveillance warrants against the Trump campaign.
Yes, that means FBI Director Comey used the fake dossier commissioned by Russia to attack Trump, as the framework to launch his FBI investigation into candidate Donald Trump and Russian collusion.
Soooo why is Mueller still investigating President Trump?
Entire video of Testimony Below:
Graham’s questioning begins at the 48:40 point:
Foreign Agent Registration Requirements William Bowder, a Russian market investor, testifies at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on foreign agent registration requirements, as well as what he knows about Natalia Veslnitskaya, a Russian attorney who met with Donald Trump, Jr. in 2016.
EXTRAORDINARY DETAILS EMERGE About How Senator John McCain Got “Dirty Dossier” On President Trump From Ex-Spy…Where’s The Media Outrage?
Where was the media’s outrage when a sitting United States senator, John McCain went on a wild goose chase, that led him overseas, in an effort to obtain what he believed was incriminating evidence that could be used to harm President Trump? How is it okay for Senator John McCain to actively seek dirt on a sitting president, but not okay for Donald Trump Jr. (who is NOT a government official) to meet with a Russian lawyer in an attempt to discover potential dirt on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton?
Sen. John McCain commented on Tuesday about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer.
“How serious do you think this particular shoe is?” Raju asked, referring to Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya after being promised dirt on Clinton that was reportedly part of a Russian government effort.
“I don’t know. But it’s certainly another shoe that’s dropped that needs to be pursued and looked at,” McCain said. –TPM
Watch RINO Senator John McCain express his concern overt the seriousness of Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer about the lifting US sanctions on Russian adoption. It’s curious that the reporter never asked McCain about his efforts to smear our president with a unsubstantiated dirty dossier from an ex-spy:
Before we go any further into the messy details of John McCain’s international dealings to find dirt on our sitting president, it’s worth mentioning that as far as we know, no one was murdered as a result of Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who entered the US without a visa under “extraordinary circumstances” thanks to the efforts of Barack Obama’s DOJ. The same cannot be said about McCain’s dealings with the “dirty dossier” on Trump. Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya is also said to have ties to Fusion GPS, the sketchy secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump.
According to the Daily Caller – The Russian lawyer who offered Donald Trump Jr. damaging information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly has ties to the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier on President Donald Trump.
When the June 2016 meeting took place, Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya was in New York to defend Prevezon, a Russian holding firm accused of laundering money for corrupt Russian businessmen. Veselnitskaya had been working on the case for years with assistance from Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that compiled the Trump dossier.
Fusion GPS denied any knowledge of, or role in, facilitating the meeting between Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr.
According to The Sun: A FORMER KGB spy chief suspected of helping Brit spook Christopher Steele compile the Trump ‘dirty dossier’ has been found dead in his car under mysterious circumstances.
Oleg Erovinkin, described as a key source behind the widely discredited document, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow on Boxing Day.
Today, the Daily Mail reports: Sen. John McCain said he did ‘what any citizen would do’ in turning over the dirty dossier, which contained unconfirmed secrets about the president-elect, over to the FBI.
The Guardian charted the path of how the dossier came to be and how it was that McCain got his hands on the controversial documents.
The story of the dossier began with an investigative firm in Washington, D.C., being tapped by one of Trump’s primary allies to dig up some opposition research on the Republican hopeful.
In turn, that firm outsourced the research to a ‘retired western European former counter-intelligence official, with a long history of dealing with the shadow world of Moscow’s spooks and siloviki (securocrats),’ explained the Guardian.
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal identified the ex-spy as Christopher Steele.
By the time the contractor had started digging, Trump’s primary opponent had dropped out. But the firm found a Democrat who wanted dirt on the now Republican nominee instead.
The Guardian pointed out that just because a Democrat was willing to pay for the information that didn’t mean that said Democrat was Hillary Clinton’s campaign or the Democratic National Committee.
Sometimes donors seek out this information in order to ensure they’ve made a sound investment.
The contractor, who the Guardian didn’t name, but the Wall Street Journal identified as Steele, reportedly found the information that he dug up to be concerning. He and another ex-British diplomat, Christopher Burrows, run their own company, Orbis Business Intelligence.
‘If the allegations were real, their implications were overwhelming,’ the Guardian wrote.
On November 18, at the Halifax International Security Forum, McCain was introduced to a ‘former senior western diplomat’ who had set eyes on the documents and knew who put them together, telling the Arizona Republican that the individual was ‘highly reliable.’
That man can now be named as Sir Andrew Wood, British ambassador to Moscow from 1995 to 2000.
Wood told the Independent that he had met McCain, spoken to him about Trump, and about the potential for him to be compromised.
In a carefully nuanced statement he said: ‘Yes I did meet Senator McCain and his aides at the conference.
‘We spoke about the kind of activities the Russians can be engaged in.
‘We also spoke about how Mr Trump may find himself in a position where there could be an attempt to blackmail him with Kompromat [a Russian term for compromising material] and claims that there were audio and video tapes in existence.’
He added: ‘I would like to stress that I did not pass on any dossier to Senator McCain or anyone else and I did not see a dossier at the time. I do know Christopher Steele and in my view he is very professional and thorough in what he does.’
He did not however address whether he told McCain there was a dossier – and how to get it.
Clearly, somebody did.
From there, McCain dispatched a ‘trusted emissary’ who flew across the Atlantic to meet the source of the documents at an airport that the Guardian did not name.
The aide was instructed to look for a man with a copy of the Financial Times and that’s how the individuals met, with the source taking McCain’s emissary back to his house and giving the American a copy of the documents.
Within 24 hours, the dossier was in Washington, though the contents of the file couldn’t be verified without an investigation.
McCain, the Guardian said, was worried that his actions might be interpreted as revenge for some of the controversial comments Trump made about him – such as knocking the fact that the longtime senator had been a prisoner of war.
However, McCain decided to hand over the documents to FBI Director James Comey on December 9.
‘Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI,’ McCain said Wednesday in a statement about that matter.
‘That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue,’ McCain said.
For entire story: Daily Mail
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