Socialist Bernie Sanders tried to insult Liz Warren by calling her a “capitalist through her bones.”

Sanders is just recovering from a heart attack and wasted no time attacking one of the frontrunners in the 2020 presidential race.

The problem is that Sanders thinks he’s harming Warren by calling her out as a capitalist.

He must not have gotten the memo that America is a capitalist country and will stay that way. Bernie even called for a “political revolution” in America during the interview.

Hypocrite Bernie is worth millions he’s made via politics! Yes, he’s lived off of the government his entire adult life. Is it any wonder he believes that big government will solve everything?

The ironic thing is that the “greed and corruption” is coming from the Washington, D.C. Swamp!

It is true that Warren was at one time a registered Republican but has since moved far to the left on policy. She’s also a millionaire but so is Bernie…

Drain the Swamp!


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