Yes, this is from Buddy Brown, but it’s Buddy Brown like you’ve never seen him before.

He’s usually singing a funny country song off the back of his pickup truck, but that’s not what you’re about to see in this video.

In fact, you’re going to see something much closer to a Sermon than a country song.

But I thought he was spot on and so I wanted to share it with you.

Watch here:


What’s going on y’all hope you’re doing good uh before I start I just want to tell you there is an incredible uniqueness to this particular video right here today
you’re not going to hear anybody else talk the way I’m talking whatsoever it’s why I’ve been so excited to bring it pretty much the entire day so really Buckle in and buckle down

I want to be the first to tell you right now Thursday night this week we’re going to have Trump debating whoever the guy in the Biden mask is okay we all know that but

there’s certain spirits that I want y’all to look out for in the debates if you’re going to watch them at all okay so fact number one the debates of 2020 were the most uncomfortable uh presidential debates in US history on top of that they do the schedule like 800 to 9:30 so it’s 90 minutes and they got Americans completely red up they got us like defon 5 so we can’t sleep um we can’t have any kind of Peace what’s the ever and we just feel like we’re going to fight that’s a really bad place to be in right before we go to bed y’all and the spirit inside these hostile debates gets carried into the next few days and next few weeks Across America and it amplifies

if you watch the debates the presidential debates of 2020 which I definitely don’t recommend you do you don’t have to be a tuned in Christian praying seven hours a day to identify the fact that there’s evil spirits of anger dissension bitterness hostility just to name a few all through that room broadcas it out to the Airways of the United States and to the world now this might be kind of hard for a few of y’all to swallow but the debates my friends are intentionally planted hostility they’re sleeper bombs in our souls so if you’re going to watch them Thursday I would recommend that you go into it with prayer beforehand asking God to help you identify the negative Spirits the evil spirits in that debate and how it affects you personally watching it how it affects the country out there responding to it the next few days

the hostility we saw in 20 20 that spread all across America started out with anger and then it multiplied into the streets in the coming months that followed and you all saw this right it’s going to be no different with this one there’s going to be an attack designed at you the viewer because that’s what the elites need to happen for their 1941 uh Powers War Powers to set in if you want to look into that have fun down that rabbit hole because that’s where I was last week so with all of that y’all I just want to tell you guard yourself to be immune to whatever is thrown grown out and I don’t know any Pastor in America whatsoever that is actually telling their congregation this before the debates which is a dadgum shame

now listen to this down here in Mississippi about once a year we have what is called a boil water notice okay a lot of y’all have been through this a hundred times good so get this what’s happening spiritually with these whole debates on Thursday night is very similar to a boil water notice there’s a biological contamination going on the people who drink from the tap are getting sick and it’s the same way y’all with people who are going to consume these debates on Thursday night they’re going to consume those foul Spirits at the debates in MSM news and all that kind of stuff and people screaming about it in the days that follow and they’re going to get sick too so if you’re following me on this it just means you’re not a simpleton if this is too heavy for you look I hear The Bachelorette is starting a new season really soon she’s single and ready to mingle how about that might change the course of

Eternity but for those of you who are awake for those of you who are paying attention this is a spiritual air strike getting ready to get launched Thursday night in 2020 it got out of control fast and it spread quickly you saw what happens when people spin off of each other’s emotions so I’m putting y’all on a boil water notice in a sense pray about this pray about how it’s going to affect you spiritually how you can find peace and Clarity in the aftermath because we’ve been very very calm for the last few months it’s been nice and quiet the calm is over on Thursday night you got all the weapons you need though if you got the armor of Christ all around you you got everything you need just remember this is not a Pres

idential battle this is a spiritual battle and you might want to send this around to your friends you might want to send this video around to your family quickly because it’s about to go down God bless y’all appreciate you watching


Buddy Brown Tells a HILARIOUS Biden Joke!

You gotta love Buddy Brown.

We already knew he was a great musician and we knew his songs were funny, but we didn’t know he also told jokes!

The man has many talents.

Today he posted a hilarious Joe Biden joke and you have to hear this.

Feel free to tell a friend.


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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