A reader messaged me today suggesting we get the message out about all of President Trump’s accomplishments.

I thought it was a great idea, so I compiled a TOP 100 list.

Remember David Letterman’s Top Ten List?

That was great, but we need more than ten here, we need 100!

Now this morning I just used it to compile a list of President Trump’s TOP 100 accomplishments during his first term and the list is truly stunning!

I do want to say that a couple on here you may not agree with (i.e. “Warp Speed” — although the final verdict on that is still out — READ MORE HERE: https://wltreport.com/2023/09/05/my-theory-why-did-president-trump-sign-executive/)

And some I had forgotten about!

Actually MANY I had forgotten about!

So let’s all remember together….and then SHARE this far and wide if you don’t mind!

  1. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Enacted significant tax cuts for individuals and businesses.
  2. Economic Growth: Oversaw a period of substantial economic growth pre-COVID-19.
  3. Unemployment Rates: Achieved historically low unemployment rates before the pandemic.
  4. Stock Market Records: Stock markets reached all-time highs during his term.
  5. Criminal Justice Reform: Signed the First Step Act, reforming sentencing laws and expanding rehabilitation programs.
  6. Military Spending: Increased defense spending, modernizing the military.
  7. Veterans Affairs: Signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials to fire failing employees and established a VA hotline.
  8. Border Security: Advocated for and began construction of barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border.
  9. Trade Agreements: Renegotiated NAFTA, resulting in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
  10. China Trade Policy: Imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, aiming to combat unfair trade practices.
  11. Deregulation: Reduced the number of federal regulations, aiming to simplify governmental processes for businesses and individuals.
  12. Judicial Appointments: Appointed three Supreme Court Justices and numerous federal judges.
  13. Israel and the Middle East: Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and helped broker the Abraham Accords.
  14. Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal: Withdrew from the JCPOA, citing concerns over Iran’s compliance and regional behavior.
  15. Energy Independence: U.S. became a net exporter of oil and natural gas.
  16. Elimination of ISIS’s Territorial Caliphate: Directed efforts that led to the end of the Islamic State’s territorial control in Iraq and Syria.
  17. Space Force: Established the U.S. Space Force as a new branch of the Armed Forces.
  18. North Korea: Engaged in direct diplomacy with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
  19. Opioid Crisis: Signed bills to combat the opioid epidemic and increased funding for opioid treatment.
  20. Healthcare: Repealed the individual mandate penalty of the Affordable Care Act.
  21. Right to Try Act: Allowed terminally ill patients to try experimental treatments not yet approved by the FDA.
  22. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Increased funding and signed legislation to support HBCUs.
  23. Bipartisan Conservation Legislation: Signed the Great American Outdoors Act, funding national park maintenance and conservation.
  24. Child Care and Family Leave: Advocated for and supported policies for paid family leave and child care support.
  25. Immigration Policy Reform: Implemented measures aimed at reducing illegal immigration and reforming asylum procedures.
  26. NATO Funding: Pressured NATO allies to increase their defense spending.
  27. Syria: Ordered a missile strike against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack.
  28. Criminal Deportations: Increased deportations of gang members and individuals charged with serious crimes.
  29. Human Trafficking: Signed legislation and took measures to combat human trafficking.
  30. Food Stamp Reform: Implemented reforms to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), aiming to encourage self-sufficiency.
  31. Broadband Internet in Rural Areas: Worked on expanding broadband access in rural communities.
  32. 5G Technology: Promoted the development and deployment of 5G technology.
  33. Israel-Gulf States Relations: Facilitated normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states.
  34. Anwar al-Awlaki Operation: Conducted a successful operation eliminating ISIS leader Anwar al-Awlaki.
  35. U.S.-Taliban Peace Deal: Negotiated a peace agreement with the Taliban in Afghanistan.
  36. Protecting Life in Global Health Policy: Expanded policies to restrict funding for overseas abortions.
  37. Title IX Protections: Revised Title IX regulations to provide due process protections in college sexual assault cases.
  38. Religious Liberty: Promoted policies to protect religious freedom.
  39. Opportunity Zones: Created Opportunity Zones to encourage investment in low-income communities.
  40. Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule: Revised the WOTUS rule to reduce federal jurisdiction over waterways, aiming to benefit farmers and landowners.
  41. Clean Energy Technologies: Supported the development of clean coal and nuclear energy.
  42. Medicare: Implemented policies to lower Medicare prescription drug prices.
  43. Environmental Protection: Signed the Save Our Seas Act to reduce oceanic plastic pollution.
  44. Telehealth Services: Expanded access to telehealth services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  45. COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Initiated Operation Warp Speed to develop and distribute COVID-19 vaccines.
  46. Middle East Troop Withdrawals: Reduced American troop presence in the Middle East.
  47. National Security Strategy: Released a National Security Strategy emphasizing competition with China and Russia.
  48. U.S.-Japan Trade Deal: Signed a trade agreement with Japan.
  49. U.S.-South Korea Trade Agreement: Renegotiated the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement.
  50. U.S.-EU Trade Relations: Worked on improving trade relations with the European Union.
  51. Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism: Targeted anti-Semitism in educational institutions.
  52. Bureau of Land Management Headquarters Relocation: Moved the Bureau of Land Management’s headquarters to Colorado.
  53. Protecting Seniors with Diabetes: Made Medicare plans more affordable for seniors with diabetes.
  54. Executive Orders on Healthcare: Signed executive orders aimed at lowering drug prices and protecting pre-existing conditions.
  55. Public Charge Rule: Enforced immigration rules ensuring self-sufficiency of immigrants.
  56. National Garden of American Heroes: Announced the creation of a national garden to honor American historical figures.
  57. Protecting Federal Statues and Monuments: Signed an executive order to protect federal statues and monuments.
  58. Reducing Humanitarian Crisis at the Border: Implemented policies to reduce the humanitarian crisis at the southern border.
  59. U.S. Energy Dominance: Pursued policies contributing to the U.S. becoming the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas.
  60. Streamlining Infrastructure Projects: Expedited environmental reviews for infrastructure projects.
  61. Protecting U.S. Steel and Aluminum Industries: Imposed tariffs to protect the steel and aluminum industries from foreign competition.
  62. Reforming the Endangered Species Act: Implemented changes to the Endangered Species Act, aiming for more effective and efficient implementation.
  63. Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP): Established the MPP, requiring asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their claims are processed.
  64. Enhancing Cybersecurity: Signed legislation and executive orders to enhance U.S. cybersecurity.
  65. Fighting the Opioid Crisis: Declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency and implemented a nationwide public awareness campaign.
  66. Support for Law Enforcement: Strongly supported law enforcement and implemented policies to back police departments.
  67. Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship: Aimed to prevent online censorship by social media platforms.
  68. Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement: Withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, citing concerns about economic impact.
  69. Rebuilding the Military: Focused on rebuilding the U.S. military with new equipment and technology.
  70. Enhancing School Choice: Advocated for and supported policies to enhance school choice and charter schools.
  71. Reducing Prescription Drug Prices: Signed four executive orders aimed at reducing the prices of prescription drugs.
  72. Improving Kidney Care: Signed an executive order to improve care for patients with kidney disease.
  73. Securing 5G Networks: Worked on securing 5G networks and technology in the U.S.
  74. Strengthening the U.S. Manufacturing Base: Focused on policies to strengthen the U.S. manufacturing base and bring back manufacturing jobs.
  75. Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence: Signed an executive order to promote the development and regulation of artificial intelligence.
  76. Improving Rural Health: Launched initiatives to improve healthcare and connectivity in rural areas.
  77. Enhancing American Agriculture: Negotiated deals and aid to support American farmers.
  78. Protecting Ocean Resources: Issued an executive order on ocean mapping and resource management.
  79. Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic: Coordinated a federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including travel restrictions and stimulus packages.
  80. Promoting Women in the Workforce: Supported initiatives to promote women in business and global development.
  81. Strengthening Immigration Enforcement: Enhanced U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and border security.
  82. Revamping the U.S. Space Program: Revitalized the U.S. space program, including a return to manned space flights and a mission to Mars.
  83. Supporting Mental Health: Signed an executive order to address the mental health needs of veterans and reduce suicide rates.
  84. Enhancing American Fisheries: Implemented policies to enhance and protect American fisheries.
  85. Promoting American Leadership in AI: Launched the American AI Initiative to promote AI research and regulation.
  86. Addressing Electronic Health Records: Worked on improving the interoperability of electronic health records for veterans.
  87. Expanding Access to Association Health Plans: Expanded access to association health plans to provide more health insurance options.
  88. Strengthening NATO Alliance: Encouraged NATO allies to increase their defense spending, strengthening the alliance.
  89. Promoting Energy Exports: Expanded U.S. energy exports, including liquefied natural gas (LNG).
  90. Enhancing the Federal Workforce: Implemented policies to improve hiring and management of the federal workforce.
  91. Reforming the H-1B Visa Program: Initiated reforms to the H-1B visa program to protect American workers.
  92. Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment: Launched initiatives to advance women’s economic empowerment globally.
  93. Reducing Regulatory Burdens: Continued efforts to reduce the regulatory burden across various sectors.
  94. Promoting Religious Freedom Globally: Took steps to promote religious freedom internationally.
  95. Enhancing U.S. Sovereignty: Worked on policies emphasizing U.S. sovereignty in international relations.
  96. Improving Veteran Employment: Focused on improving employment and training opportunities for veterans.
  97. Strengthening Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure: Enhanced the cybersecurity of critical U.S. infrastructure.
  98. Promoting American Biotechnology: Issued an executive order to promote the development of biotechnology in the U.S.
  99. Reforming the Environmental Review Process: Reformed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to streamline infrastructure projects.
  100. Supporting the Blue Economy: Promoted the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems.

Incredible, right?

Did we miss any?

100 is a lot, but it could probably easily be 1,000 so please put any we missed in the comments below….


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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