Just when you think there’s zero hope for future generations of Americans with all of the progressive indoctrination these kids receive at the hands of so-called educators, a group of bright young people stand up and prove it’s not too late.

A few weeks back, a bunch of high school students across the country decided to stage a walkout as a means of protesting in favor of strict gun control laws. This was a reaction to the horrific shooting that took place in Parkland, Florida where 17 people, students and teachers, were murdered in cold blood.

Well, there’s a second walkout being planned, however the theme of this one is the complete opposite of the first.

Yes, young people are ready to walkout in support of the Second Amendment.

TheBlaze has more details:

The walkout, “Stand for the Second,” is being organized by New Mexico high school student Will Riley.

“I’m watching the news and I see they’re saying, ‘Well we have to do something about this. We have to enact some sort of gun control legislation because this is what the kids are asking for.’ And I’m thinking, ‘I’m not asking for that,’” Riley told the Carlsbad Current-Argus last month. “I look at my friends and I think ‘They’re not asking for that.’ I wanted to give a voice to all of the people who feel that they’re being misrepresented by the media.”

Riley is a senior at Carlsbad High School who has interned for a gubernatorial candidate, volunteered during the 2016 election, and serves as an Eddy County volunteer attorney for teen court.

“I founded this movement of my own volition because I see the imminent threat for my generation’s future posed by the attack on our Second Amendment rights,” Riley wrote on the organization’s website.

Awesome to see young patriots standing up for their rights, isn’t it? Especially when we’re bombarded by images and video of brainwashed leftist students marching in favor of taking their own rights away.

The “Stand for the Second” walkout was held on Wednesday, May 2, at 10 a.m.


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