Noone with ties to terrorism should even be considered for a position of leadership within our government. Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Land Management, Tracy Stone-Manning, has ties.

Ms. Stone-Manning’s role in sending a threatening letter on behalf of an environmentalist group that engaged in tree spiking crimes in 1989, has drawn sharp criticism from Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wy).

Tree spiking is a type of ecotage aka eco-terrorism (sabotage carried out for ecological reasons). It is intended to prevent loggers from taking trees. In the United States, it is a federal felony as of 1988.

According to the Washington Post, the terrorist tactic of tree spiking was used back in 1987 when a mill worker’s electric saw came in contact with a tree spike, causing the saw to break and half of the blade to be launched into his face, tearing through his safety helmet and tearing a gash from his eye to his chin while splitting his jaw in half.

“Tracy Stone-Manning collaborated with eco-terrorists,”  Mr. Barrasso said, according to the Daily Caller. “She worked with extreme environmental activists who spiked trees, threatening the lives and livelihoods of loggers,” he said, claiming that, “while she was given immunity from prosecution to testify against her companions in court, her actions were disgraceful”.


Mr. Barrasso further argued that “Based on her record, I am concerned that Ms. Stone-Manning does not fit the bill. Her career has been defined by her support for policies that restrict multiple-use activities on public lands”. He continued, “On Twitter and in other public forums, she has expressed views that threaten the livelihoods of energy producers, ranchers, farmers, loggers, and others with a stake in the responsible use of our natural resources,” adding that she has repeatedly indulged in “unvarnished political partisanship”.

Ms. Stone-Manning has recently come under scrutiny unrelated to her involvement in eco-terrorism. We reported on that story here 4-days ago:


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