We live in an absolute culture of death.

It’s unavoidable and all around us.

We of course have the Moloch-Death-Cult hell bent (literally) on killing as many babies in the womb as possible….

But it’s stories like this one that somehow find a way to go even farther into depraved evil.

I couldn’t believe this story was even real when I first saw it but sadly it is…..and I am shaking as I attempt to write this article.

So much evil in our world, sometimes it’s hard to even bear it.

Who would have ever thought PARENTS of an 8 month old baby would need to be fighting tooth and nail against a corrupt system trying to end its life?

Take a look:

Here are more details from Fox News:

An 8-month-old infant in the United Kingdom has been given more time to live after an appeal suspended a judge’s mandate that she be removed from life support.

Justice Robert Peel ruled Wednesday that Indi Gregory was to be removed from her life-supporting ventilator on Thursday against the parents’ wishes.

Now, the Gregory family has successfully launched an appeal to that mandate, hoping to negotiate the right to seek continued treatment overseas.

Indi Gregory was born in February of this year and suffers from a degenerative mitochondrial disease that will very likely take her life.

In a bid to escape the mandate to remove life support, the Gregorys made emergency arrangements with leadership at the Vatican for her to continue treatment at Bambino Gesù, a Catholic pediatric hospital in Rome.

The parents also secured Italian citizenship for Indi directly from the Italian prime minister.

“They say there isn’t much hope for little Indi, but until the very end, I’ll do what I can to defend her life, and to defend the right of her mamma and papa to do all that they can for her,” Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wrote on social media this week.

Doctors at Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham will not be allowed to remove the infant from life support until the conclusion of the appeals process.

The Italian government has pressed the U.K. courts heavily to turn the child over to their custody.


I am personally calling on President Trump to get in touch with this family and send his plane over to pickup this child and bring her to the United States for the best care we have available….

Can we make that happen?

Any Judge, Court, Government or System that would not support the wishes of the parents in FIGHTING for their child does not deserve to have ANY authority in our world and should be immediately shut down, disbarred, disbanded and smashed to a thousand pieces.  PURE EVIL.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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