We need more like him in the house.

He just called out the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi on not securing the border.

“Explain to the people why we’re going to leave this afternoon at 1:00, not securing the border.

It makes absolutely no sense to the American people …

They wonder how this House leaves them with an unsecured border and nothing more than show votes for political theater.”

Rep. Chip Roy:

continually refuses to do her job and face the facts about the humanitarian crisis at our border. I’m on my way to get an update from the border patrol on the front lines. All the political theater makes one thing clear:


Nancy Pelosi speaks in bits and pieces, but the video below is just word salad from the Democrat who refuses to put the American people before her politics.

She refuses to say that money will go for a wall, but later in her comments, she calls a wall a “structure.” She’s ridiculous, and President Trump knows it.

The bottom line is that President Trump wants to secure the border and a physical barrier is just common sense. Whatever she wants to call it, experts have already said we need a wall/fence/barrier. President Trump tweeted out a reply to Pelosi’s ridiculous comments (see below)

“There’s not going to be any wall money in the legislation,” vowed again today

President Trump:

Let’s call them WALLS from now on and stop playing political games! A WALL is a WALL!

Large sections of WALL have already been built with much more either under construction or ready to go. Renovation of existing WALLS is also a huge part of the plan to finally, after many decades, properly Secure Our Border. The Wall is getting done one way or the other!


Democrats need to come to the table and put politics aside.

Our border is wide open with either a fence or absolutely nothing to prevent illegals from crossing over.

We should demand a border fence, barrier, wall…whatever the Democrats want to call it. We cannot stop people from coming over as it is.


Watch the video below from just a few days ago:

The illegal alien in the case below is a repeat offender who was deported and came back across our border to sexually assault another child! This is not uncommon and is a way for these criminals to skate without being arrested.

Even though the Democrats twisted the president’s words to claim he’s a racist, he’s correct in saying that they are “not sending their best”.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

“They’re not sending their best.” – PDJT

KHOU reports:

The case below highlights how dangerous our broken border security system is without a wall and changes in policy.

An early morning traffic stop near New Caney led to the arrest of a Mexican national who has served at least three stints in U.S. prisons for sexually abusing children.

Marvin Yovani Mejia Ramos, 50, was turned over to the Department of Homeland Security after his arrest on 69 North by an alert Precinct 4 deputy.

Ramos gave a fake name, according to Precinct 4, but the deputy ran an onsite fingerprint scan that revealed his true identity

“Mejia Ramos is a very dangerous convicted criminal that is in our country illegally,” Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden said. “Great job by our deputy that located him and is once again bringing him to justice.”

Ramos served eight years for continuous sexual assault of a child in Lancaster, California.

In Los Angeles, he served six years for sexual assault of a child and two more years for lewd acts with a child under the age of 14.

Ramos was deported in 2013 but soon returned, according to Precinct 4. They say he was arrested in Houston in 2015 for DWI, again under a fake name.

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