Devin Nunes spent 19 years in Congress, where he was consistently one of the most outspoken conservative legislators, despite representing the liberal state of California.  He was the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee from 2015 to 2019 where he was one of President Trump’s most ardent defenders, particularly when it came to pushing back against the Russiagate hoax.

Then, he resigned from Congress in January of this year to serve as CEO of the Trump Media and Technology Group, helping with the rollout of President Trump’s Truth Social social media outlet, which promises to be a free-speech alternative to Twitter and Facebook.

Today, Nunes explained why he resigned from Congress to work on Truth Social with President Trump:



“I believe this kind of era of disinformation is really critical, that’s why I left.  I didn’t need a new job, I was perfectly happy representing the Central Valley in Congress, and Donald Trump didn’t need a new company.  But part of this whole problem is disinformation and the inability to communicate, with a lot of us being kicked off these social media platforms, all of this is related.  That’s why we started Truth Social, was to try to combat all of this to allow the American people to communicate with one another.” He said.

Truth Social took off in the first week it launched, topping the Apple Store’s charts and seeing millions of registrations.  It is still in a testing phase, but a more complete rollout is expected later this year.

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