Ok, that’s a lot all jammed into one headline….allow me to break it all down for you!

First, let’s get all the players straight.

Dilley means the Dilley Meme Team, a hilarious group of MAGA content creators who have created some of the funniest memes clowning Ron DeSantis.

I’ll post some of those below in case you haven’t seen them, they’re so funny!

Ron DeSantis is the thin-skinned, Beta Male poorly running for President.

The man in the wheelchair is apparently friends with the Dilley Meme Team crew.

Ok, so now that we know the players, now let’s set the stage….

So the man in the wheelchair went to attend a DeSantis event.

He was not causing any trouble….

Wasn’t even talking!

Just sitting there.

But….he was wearing a Dilley hat (gasp!).

And that was all it took for thin-skinned, Beta Boy Ron DeSantis to throw him out!


This guy wants to be President and thinks he can deal with Putin and Xi and he gets triggered over a dude in a hat?

Not even a MAGA hat….a Dilley hat!

Oh, and this is the same guy who kicked Laura Loomer out of an event a few days ago:

WATCH: Ron DeSantis Mirrors Nikki Haley…Kicks Laura Loomer Out of Event & Calls Cops!

Bad move Ron, Google the "Streisand Effect" because you just triggered it!

Brenden Dilley himself posted about the removal:

Here's what the hat looked like:

Wow, so threatening!

Bad look Ron.

Not Presidential.

Not even close.

But thanks for making this a National Story and giving us a chance to relive some of our favorite Dilley Meme Team videos!

Let's start with "Rhonda Santis":

Then we have probably my favorite one of all:

And we can't forget this gem....

The Bluetooth Boot Lifter!

Ron, pack it up man, you're done now....

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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