American taxpayers should be outraged! The realization that the budget is full of whatever the Democrats want and the fact that the border wall is NOT being funded is unbelievable! This is $1.3 TRILLION in whatever the Democrats want!

Here’s what we know:

Ryan is only funding $641 for border security and ZERO for the wall!  Remember that President Trump asked for $25 Billion for the border wall. So while the border wall is not being funded, Paul Ryan is funding every pet project the Democrats want.

But then this is a bunch of loser Republicans like Speaker Ryan who say one thing then do another.

We love what Senator Kennedy had to say about the Spending Bill:

Gateway Pundit reports:

Reporter: “Can I ask you about the omnibus?”

Sen. Kennedy: “Yeah, it sucks.”

Reporter: “You’re not going to vote for it?”

Sen. Kennedy: “I’ll vote against it twice if they will let me.”

Sen. Kennedy: “I don’t know yet. I don’t even know what’s in the thing. Okay? This is an embarrassment. I said it yesterday, I meant it. This is a Great Dane-sized whiz down the leg of every taxpayer in this country. No thought whatsoever to adding over a trillion dollars in debt.”

Reporter: “So you may do what Rand Paul did?”

Sen. Kennedy: “I don’t know yet, but I’m not going to vote for it.

PBS reports:
The wall and border security: The deal provides $1.57 billion for “physical barriers and technology.” But, according to a Democratic source, just $641 million of that could go to barriers, and that would be restricted to see-through fences and levees; the funding could not be used to build a concrete wall. The vast majority — $1.3 billion — of the border security money is for technology, according to the Democratic source.


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