A black woman went into a fit of rage after she spotted a Confederate Battle Flag on a car at a local festival. Ybia Anderson posted a video of herself confronting a man who brought his “Dukes of Hazzard” inspired “General Lee” car to the Highland Creek Heritage Festival. Here’s what she said on her Facebook page: “At this racist-ass Highland Creek Heritage Festival where a car featuring two Confederate flags is being celebrated. This wannabe hillbilly is trying to “educate” me on the Civil War!!! Guess he doesn’t realize his side lost!!!” The video is sideways but you’ll get the point:
Anderson shrieked: “This racist car has not one, but two Confederate flags on it.”
The astonished owner of the car attempted to explain but Anderson was just interested in getting the car removed ASAP: “People who look exactly like me and my sons died, were murdered, because of that flag. It has no place here and it is the very first car people see when they walk in.”
THE KICKER IN ALL THIS IS THAT IF YOU GO TO MS. ANDERSON’S FACEBOOK PAGE, HERE’S HER DEPLORABLE PROFILE PHOTO: How heartless is this? The woman who claimed to be so upset at a “racist” car thinks it’s ok to make fun of a young white man who was murdered by the North Koreans…Really?
Of course, the officials of the event caved immediately and gave an apology for having the “racist” car at the festival: Festival Chair Paul Maguire said, “We are very sorry that someone is hurt, it’s a family event and there are hundred, thousands who came and had a lot of fun and nobody should be subjected to those triggering moments that just… bring back moments of the worst of human history. If there were a swastika here I would have known right away, that can’t be here. Now I know the Confederate flag has the same status.”
Toronto Mayor John Tory had this pitiful statement to make: “The Confederate flag and what it was represented historically, and represents of a lot of people today, has no place in Toronto.”