A member of President Trump’s ‘Diversity Council’ is threatening to quit because he opposes Trump’s cancelation of DACA. Bye Bye!

“I want to remind him and his team that from an economic standpoint, and again, we’re business people…if you look at this from a purely economic standpoint–again, none of these young people gets government benefits of any sorts so they’re not costing us anything. They pay over $2 billion in taxes…”

Is anyone else out there sick of the American people being told illegals cost nothing?

DACA Will Cost Americans And Their Government A Huge Amount of Money.

On average, people with college degrees pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits. People without a degree consume more taxes than they pay to federal, state and local tax officials.

In 2013, a Heritage Foundation study showed that amnesty for 11 million illegals would spike federal spending by $6,300 billion over the next five decades. That is roughly equivalent to $550,000 per illegal, or $10,000 per illegal per year, much of which will be spent when the immigrant becomes eligible for Social Security and Medicare. That cost estimate does not include the extra costs created when immigrants use their new legal powers as a citizen to bring in more low-skilled migrants.

If those 3 million DACA people and their parents soon become legal residents or citizens, then Obama’s DACA will cost Americans roughly $1,700 billion over the next 50 years, according to Heritage Foundation’s numbers.

Moreover, the DACA migrants add to the flood of illegal labor that has driven down wages for ordinary Americans, including urban youths and recent immigrants. Currently, Americans lose roughly $500 billion a year from their salaries because of the immigration tax caused by cheap labor according to the academies’ report.

Via: GP


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