Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on Face The Nation on Sunday, where he was asked about President Trump’s remarks during his Texas rally about the January 6th political prisoners.

“If I run and if I win, we will treat those people from January 6th fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly,” Trump told his supporters.

Graham was asked if he thinks Trump’s statement about pardons for some of the people involved in the Jan 6th incident was “dangerous?”  Graham explained that he disagreed with Kamala Harris’s decision to bail out violent BLM/Antifa rioters while running for VP on the Democratic Party ticket. Graham said he would disagree with pardoning January 6 political prisoners because it would make “violence more likely.”

“Those that did it, I hope they get the book thrown at them because they deserve it,” Graham said.


President Trump appeared on Newsmax last night for an interview with host Rob Schmitt. He was asked about Senator Lindsey Graham saying his remarks to his supporters about pardoning some of the January 6 political prisoners were “inappropriate.”

“Lindsey Graham is wrong. I mean, Lindsey’s a nice guy, but he’s a RINO. Lindsey’s wrong,” Trump responded.

Trump explained, “Look—They tried to burn down Washington—we’re talking federal buildings. They were terrible. Every Democrat city was on fire, and nobody says anything about it.”

“Antifa and BLM were causing such problems, including death,” he said, adding, “Don’t forget—with the exception of one young, fine woman, nobody died on January 6th. They like to say five people, but nobody died on January 6th. The one person who died was Ashli Babbitt. She was killed by a ruthless man that never should’ve used his gun to shoot her. She was killed.”

“And he’s a hero to the left. That cop is a hero,” Schmitt replied.

“I think it’s a disgrace, and they wanted to shield him. And he couldn’t get on television fast enough. I saw his interview. And he thought it was great that he shot her and killed her. And she didn’t have a gun; she didn’t have anything. There was no reason to do that,” President Trump said.

He reminded everyone that the whole “5 deaths” on January 6th is simply another lie. “But she was the one who died, and they’re not treating these people the same way.”

President Trump pointed out that the people involved in the January 6 incident, many of whom are patriots, are being mistreated. “I would absolutely give them a pardon if things don’t work out fairly!”

“Because the punishments are out of proportion to the crime?” Schmitt asked.

“Out of proportion? Like 20 times to the crime!” Trump shot back.


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