Scott Presler is a huge Trump supporter; he also has a heart of gold. Scott has appeared live on our 100 Percent Fed Up Facebook page multiple times, encouraging Americans to stop talking and get involved by registering voters for the 2020 election.

In July, President Trump was attacked by Democrat lawmakers and their allies in the media for calling out the do-nothing-Democrat lawmaker, Rep Elijah Cummings, after he criticized our US Border Patrol agents and the conditions of the detention centers on the southern border.

In his tweet, President Trump pointed out that instead of focusing on the conditions for illegal aliens on our border, Cummings should instead, focus on the conditions of the district he represents, calling it a “rat and rodent-infested mess.” President Trump tweeted that if Rep. Cummings “spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous and filthy place.”

The media, Democrats, and Never-Trumpers attacked President Trump for calling out the do-nothing-Democrat Elijah Cummings, calling him a ‘racist’ a ‘bigot,’ and accusing him and his supporters of being horrible people.

Scott Presler started to see videos on social media of the filthy conditions in Rep. Cummings district and decided he would stop waiting for Democrat lawmakers to help their constituents.  The Trump activist took to Twitter, asking volunteers to help clean up Democrat Rep. Cummings’ rat and rodent-infested district.

While Presler called on “Americans to help Americans,” the partisan media mocked him for his efforts.

Townhall reported – The Baltimore Sun‘s editorial board ran an op-ed, trashing Presler and his group saying they only did the event to embarrass Baltimore and its residents.

The op-ed was snarkily titled, “We assume it was pure motives that led a Trump supporter to launch a cleanup in Cummings’ district, right?”

“Call us skeptical,” the paper remarked before going off on a litany of excuses, complaints, and verbal attacks as to why it was so wrong for out of towners to clean up the city.

Scott ignored the Democratic Party media and marched on, as he expanded his cleanup efforts to Los Angeles, another Democrat-run rat and rodent-infested city, where he and his volunteers picked up 50 tons of trash from a homeless camp.

Watch Scott’s inspiring video:

On October 2nd, Scott appeared on Tucker Carlson to talk about the attacks on him by the leftist media and about his upcoming cleanup projects.

Yesterday, Presler made his THIRD appearance in Baltimore with another group of volunteers, including residents of Rep. Cummings district to clean up tons of trash from another neighborhood.

Once again, the media has been forced to eat crow, as Trump supporter Scott Presler proves to everyone that Trump and his supporters are just the opposite of the false narrative the media has created. Presler explains how President Trump inspired him to roll up his sleeves and take action in cities that have been neglected by Democrats elected to represent them.

Here’s a quick clip showing some of Presler’s volunteers cleaning up trash in Baltimore yesterday.

Scott has a great question…”I live in Northern Virginia. Why did I have to come to Baltimore to help?”

Scott posted this awesome video of three young boys helping him yesterday, as they work together to clean their neighborhood in Baltimore.

Scott made a friend in Louise, an elderly resident in Rep. Cummings district. Each time he’s returned to Baltimore for another cleanup, he’s visited his new friend.

Yesterday, Presler celebrated Louise’s birthday with her, as she invited him into her home.

Kudos to Scott for engaging residents of Baltimore and volunteers who follow him on social media, many of them coming from out of state to join him in his efforts.

We thank Scott for his efforts and look forward to helping him when he comes to the Democrat-run city of Detroit for a cleanup. Scott Presler is an excellent representation of a typical Trump supporter who wants to see every American citizen, regardless of race, religion or socioeconomic status, have the opportunity to achieve the American dream.

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