Tucker Carlson recently focused on the breakdown at the southern border with commentary that called out the only one who can gain control of our border. He said that only Texas Governor Greg Abbott (see contact info below) could order 15k National Guard troops to the southern border to stop the flow of illegals. Right now, Governor Abbot only has 500 National Guard troops at the border.

Carlson reports that a bus driver spoke up to say that the feds are dropping illegals at different cities all over the U.S.  Now, the Biden administration is flying the illegals to different cities because it’s harder to video them if they’re flying.

“Ask yourself, by the way, if you change the population of a country without the consent of the people who live there, is that democracy? Doesn’t that country belong to the people who live there? It’s their country; that’s what democracy is. But what if a small number of hardened ideologues decided to take it away from those people and give it to foreign nationals? That would not be democracy.”

“How is this NOT an invasion?”

Dramatic increases in floods of illegals IS an invasion!

Carlson questions why Abbott isn’t doing anything to bring down the National Guard. Great question!


(512) 463-1782 – Information and Referral and Opinion Hotline
(for Austin, Texas and out-of-state callers)

(512) 463-2000 – Office of the Governor Main Switchboard
(office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST)

Mailing Address

Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428

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