Sam Brinton, a former Department of Energy official under the Biden administration, has been disgraced again after a Houston-based designer revealed that he had not only stolen her luggage but he has also publically worn her designs that had been meant for a fashion show.

Brinton has been caught stealing luggage from airports in the past and already faces prison time for the thefts he has been charged with.

In a separate instance, Brinton has been accused of stealing luggage from a Tanzanian fashion designer named Asya Idarous Khamsin.

Khamsin, a designer based in Houston, lost a bag full of 30 custom-made, original pieces at a Washington, D.C. airport in March 2018. After losing her designs, Khamsin was forced to pull out of the fashion show that she had traveled all the way from Tanzania for.

Years later, the designs mysteriously resurfaced, appearing on national television being worn by the former Department of Energy official Sam Brinton. Khamsin happened upon some photos of Brinton and immediately recognized her original pieces.

On Monday, Khamsin appeared with her husband on Tucker Carlson Tonight to tell her story.

“On December 2022 we saw on the Fox News about Sam Brinton luggage issue, and saw my custom-made designs [worn] by Sam Brinton,” said Khamsin. “Oh my God, I was shocked.”

“I was asking myself how this person got my custom-made designs… and wear them without fear and display in public,” she added. “I don’t accuse him as a thief, but there [are] questions to be answered here.”

“What I need is justice now. And I believe there is justice.”

Khamsin revealed that there has been no attempt at contacting her by Brinton.

Her husband then spoke on the hardship his wife endured after having her clothing stolen by a government official.

“This is her passion. She had been doing this for forty years, and all of a sudden somebody’s running around with your design, a piece of art. It’s painful,” he said.


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