Tucker Carlson’s insight into what has been going on in America and how it led up to the rally in DC today is spot on.

He describes the shooting of the woman who is a Trump supporter. Carlson says it’s not enough to call the death of this woman a tragedy. He predicts we may be seeing more of this in the coming days.

TRANSCRIPT OF THE END OF CARLSON’S MONOLOGUE ADDRESSES THE VOTER FRAUD AND THE LACK OF SELF-AWARENESS OF THE DC SWAMP DWELLERS: Millions of Americans sincerely believe the last election was fake. You can dismiss them as crazy. You can call them conspiracy theorists. You can kick them off Twitter. But that won’t change their minds. Rather than trying to change their minds, to convince them and reassure them that the system is real, that democracy works — which you would do if you cared about the country or the people who live here — our new leaders will try to silence them.

What happened Wednesday will be used by the people taking power to justify stripping you of the rights you were born with as an American: Your right to speak without being censored, your right to assemble, to not be spied upon, to make a living, and to defend your family. These are the most basic and ancient freedoms that we have. They’re why we live here in the first place. They’re why we’re proud to be Americans. They’re what make us different, and they’re all now in peril.

When thousands of your countrymen storm the Capitol building, you don’t have to like it. We don’t. You can be horrified by the violence, and we are. But if you don’t bother to pause and learn a single thing from your citizens storming your Capitol building, then you’re a fool, you lack wisdom and self-awareness, and you have no place running a country. We got to this sad, chaotic day for a reason.

“As long as people believe they can change things by voting…”

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