How intolerant is the left?

How open-minded are Democrats?

What about their allies in the media and the tech giants who own massive social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook?

Do they even try to understand why black Americans might hold opposing views, or do they just call them names and mock them for having the audacity to think for themselves? Who are the real racists?

On Friday, President Trump invited 400 conservative black Americans to his Black Leadership Summit at the White House. They came from different backgrounds and different socioeconomic backgrounds; they came from all over the United States. Former gangsters, former Democrats, college students, a comedian, successful business owners, motivational speakers, social media personalities, and conservative activists.

Trump-supporting comedian Terrence K. Williams was invited to attend the summit last year but was involved in a horrible car accident with his Lyft driver that resulted in broken back for Williams. In the video below, Williams has a hard time containing his excitement after he got his invitation from the White House for another Black Leadership Summit.

Williams tweeted a video of President Trump praising him, as he called him up on stage to address the crowd at the Black Leadership Summit at the White House.

On the day Terrence went to the White House, Twitter’s legal team contacted him about a video Williams posted on their social media platform, saying House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) should resign. Williams claimed Twitter informed him that they are investigating his account for “being hateful.”

#IStandWithTerrence is now trending on Twitter, as Americans show their support for the hilarious comedian, whose PG-rated videos never cross the line with language or content.

Williams also dared to call out media darling, AOC in his video, for which he was warned by Twitter for “hateful conduct.”

Yesterday, Williams called out Twitter for not allowing the video he created about Mitt Romney to be seen by his 650K followers.

Is “hateful conduct” the problem Twitter has with black Trump supporter Terrence K. Williams, or do they just not like popular black Americans who support Trump and call out Democrats and Never-Trumpers on their platform?

David Harris Jr., a black conservative who has his own talk show and website, had this to say about the Black Leadership Summit:

 “While the mainstream media and most Democrat politicians are pushing a narrative that says Donald Trump is a racist, all of us would beg to differ.  We all believe in limited government, school choice, securing our border, and putting Americans first. These are not new concepts, for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood for the same principles. He believed that illegal immigrants would take away jobs that would have gone to minorities. He believed in the sanctity of life and its value. These are principles fundamental to the prosperity of the black community.  As Frederick Douglas once said, ‘If there is no struggle, there is no progress.’”

Former Democrat turned outspoken, conservative, powerhouse, Candace Owens, spoke eloquently and honestly at the Black Leadership Summit. She hit a nerve, however, when she called CNN a “racist network.” Instead of considering why Owens called the failing network, “racist,” CNN’s Jake Tapper mocked her appearance, saying, “Your tax dollars at work!”

Is Candace Owens correct when she calls out media outlets like CNN for being racist?

Could Twitter also be accused of racism for attempting to silence the voice of conservative, Trump supporting, black comedian Terrence K. Williams?

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