On Tuesday, the Texas House passed a bill to require each classroom to have a panic button and each school to have at least one armed guard.

The bill also proposes stipends of up to $25,000 for public school staff members who become designated guardians, which would allow them to carry a weapon on school grounds.

Candidates for the School Guardian Training would have to take first aid and firearms training, as well as rigorous mental health training. Employees approved for this role would effectively be acting as campus security in addition to their usual role.

This bill, House Bill 13, focuses on “training, preparedness, and funding for school safety and emergencies.”

Rep. Ken King (R-TX) tweeted about the bill’s purpose. He wrote, “In light of the tragedies that have occurred in Texas schools over the past years, HB 13 allows districts to create a safety plan that works best for their local community while ensuring a minimum standard for all.”

King followed up with another tweet, saying, “While HB 13 cannot undo the tragedies that have happened, I believe this legislation will implement what we have learned in the aftermath of these events and help prevent them in the future.”

Democrat lawmakers, however, have a different perspective on the proposal. Rep. James Talarico (D) expressed his concerns about the bill, suggesting it would provide a financial incentive for teachers to carry weapons even if they don’t feel comfortable doing so.

“Even teachers who don’t want to carry guns may feel like they are financially pressured to do so just so they can provide for their families,” said Talarico.

In addition to the training programs for teachers, the bill would also provide schools with an additional $15,000 each year to upgrade their security, as well as $100 for each student who regularly attends class.

This bill would require each school to undergo regular safety inspections to ensure they’re complying with the new safety standards. If they are not in compliance with safety standards and students wish to attend another school district that is in compliance, the students will be given grants to do so.


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