We usually don’t cover things like this but this is important to know for all of the parents and grandparents out there:

A mom in Massachusetts experienced the fright of her life when her children’s toy Jeep went up in flames.

Michelle Kline’s two children were driving the toy Jeep on the lawn when smoke began pouring out of the Jeep.

Kline pulled the kids out right away but as soon as she got the kids out, the Jeep went up in flames .

Kline said, “It was alarming, like, how quickly it went up. It went from just a little bit of smoke to a full-on fire within, like, two minutes. So, that was the scary thing.”

She doesn’t plan on replacing the Jeep…Thank goodness!


The North Andover fire chief said the fire appeared to be related to the toy’s battery but figuring out the exact cause of the fire may be nearly impossible.

Do you or someone you know own one of these toys? Please chime in to tell us what you know.


Thank goodness the mom was watching the kids!

We looked into this and found that there was a recall three years ago on the Fischer Price Jeep but we can’t say this is the same model:

Karla Hoyt and her family woke up to a fire in their Youngstown, Ohio home last summer and barely escaped. Now, they are blaming a popular toy for the terrifying blaze.

“The street was quiet. No one was up. No one could hear me screaming for help,” Hoyt told Good Morning America.

In the ashes, family members found what they think caused the fire: a battery-powered Power Wheels Jeep, made by Fisher-Price. It had been plugged in and was re-charging overnight on their front porch.

Three years ago, the government announced a recall of 10 million Power Wheels, the popular children’s ride-on toys. It was one of the largest recalls ever. But Good Morning America consumer correspondent Greg Hunter found out from Fisher-Price that the recall has failed to reach 80 percent of the potentially dangerous toys, and there are allegations that the fix itself may be flawed.

We just want everyone out there to be aware of this. There are 10 million of the Fischer Price Jeeps out there!

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