I first brought you a report about this young fella yesterday, goes by the name Parker and says he’s the President of the Young Democrats of Georgia.

He started off the DNC by having a dust-up with Charlie Kirk (which is posted below in case you missed it).

HILARIOUS: Charlie Kirk Sends “Young Democrat” Packing With One Question…

Well, he's back today, hanging out with none other than David Hoggs.

The only person missing was that Henry Sisson, and then you'd have a perfect trifecta of some of the most annoying faces out there!

But as is, it was just Parker and Hoggs and you gotta love the nonstop hypocrisy of the Democrat Party....

In one breath: "We're the party of LOVE and the campaign of JOY!"

And then the next breath: "F@ck Charlie Kirk!"

(Sorry Franklin)

Oh the irony:

Full screen video player here:

But speaking of the "JOY" campaign, did you know where that slogan originated?

I'll give you a hint: I did NA-ZI this coming....

You'll Never Guess Where Kamala's "JOY CAMPAIGN" Comes From...

Have you noticed something new being pushed recently about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz?


Have you noticed it?

They're plastering it everywhere....

The Campaign of Joy!

Strength Through Joy!

Bringing Back Joy!

Take a look:

Here is Walz:

And watch this stunning compilation of the "MSM" going into overdrive to push "Joy":

And here's a super creepy video of Kamala herself calling herself the "Joy Warrior":

But is there something more going on here?

As usual, the truth lies 180 degrees from what they tell you....

So "Joy" = "Incredible Pain Incoming"

We know that just from understanding how the corrupt Media and Deep State work, whatever they are pushing down your throats is the exact opposite of the truth.

But there's more here, and I'll give you a hint:  I did "NAZI" this coming!

Yes folks, the campaign slogan "Strength Through Joy" is not a new Harris/Walz creation....


It actually goes back decades to NAZI Germany.

I guess they're borrowing from their idols?

Take a look:

The phrase "Strength Through Joy" (in German, Kraft durch Freude, or KdF) originates from Nazi Germany. It was the name of a large state-controlled leisure organization established by the Nazi regime in 1933. The organization was part of the German Labour Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, or DAF) and was designed to promote the Nazi ideology by offering affordable leisure activities, such as vacations, concerts, and sporting events, to the German working class.

The KdF was used as a propaganda tool to promote the idea that the regime was improving the lives of ordinary Germans and to ensure that workers remained loyal to the Nazi Party. One of the most famous projects of the KdF was the development of the Volkswagen Beetle, initially intended to be a "people's car" that would be affordable for all German citizens.

The phrase itself is closely associated with the broader Nazi aim of creating a unified, strong, and ideologically aligned German society through both work and leisure activities.

Here is a screenshot from Google:

And here is one from Wikipedia:

How nice to see "Kam-unism" Harris using NAZI slogans.

Communism and the NAZI Regime....if that's what you love, then vote Harris/Walz!

But if you think your life might be drastically worse under "Kam-unism" then VOTE TRUMP!!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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