Victory is sweet — literally, at Oakmont Bakery in Oakmont, PA, near Pittsburgh.

The bakery has a long tradition of selling cookies with the faces of presidential candidates on them in an Election Year.

And this year, the “cookie race” isn’t even close!

The bakery’s Donald Trump cookies are absolutely dominating sales, at about 21,000 cookies sold so far. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris cookies are trailing at only 6,200 sales.

And, get this, Kamala Harris isn’t even second place!

No, that award goes to a third-party Pączki cookie, a Polish treat that the bakery has dubbed “the sweetest candidate” for people who will not be voting for Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.

This “sweetest treat” is beating Kamala with about 9,800 sales!

Take a look:

CBS News reported:

Oakmont Bakery is once again selling election cookies with the faces of the presidential candidates on them.

It has been a tradition for them since the bakery was able to print images onto cookies.

“Just to sort of keep it fun and loose, we have a third-party (cookie) this year, which is the Pączki,” said Michael Sullivan, the retail manager at Oakmont Bakery.

The bakery has titled that treat the “sweetest candidate.” You could say it is for those who aren’t a fan of either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.

Tony Serrao, the general manager of the bakery, said it just tallied up purchases of each treat on Friday.

“So Donald Trump is leading at 21,000 individual cookies,” Serrao said. “Kamala Harris is at 6,200, and the sweetest candidate is about 9,800.”…

KDKA-TV did not find anyone buying Harris cookies in our short time in the bakery on Friday evening.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because we had a very similar report about a different bakery last month.

Different bakery, same results!

ANOTHER Real World Poll Shows CRUSHING Victory For President Trump Over Kamala Harris!

ANOTHER Real World Poll Shows CRUSHING Victory For President Trump Over Kamala Harris!

The paid pollsters are telling us this is a 50/50 race between President Trump and Kamala Harris.

Some even say Kamala is leading!

And yet, every "real world" poll shows the exact opposite.

One by one, they're all consistent and showing wins for President Trump in the 70-90%+ range!

Here's the latest....

A Philadelphia bakery near the location of tonight's debate decided to sell RED Trump cookies and BLUE Kamala cookies as a sort of "poll" among their customers.

NOTE: the poll was not completely unbiased, as this is a notable "BLUE" county in prior elections.

So you might expect it to skew towards Kamala.


It didn't.




Nope, with 4,228 cookies sold for President Trump and only 369 (!!) for Kamala, President Trump has a commanding 91.97% victory margin!

Take a look:

Interestingly, this bakery has done this "informal poll" in each of the last 4 elections and their polling has accurately predicted the winner of the election in all but ONE year.

Care you guess which one they (allegedly) got wrong?

Of course, it was 2020.

And I'm not sure sure they don't actually have a perfect 4 for 4 streak:

Here is a picture of the tally on the wall showing the count:

Full screen video player here:

I mentioned at the top this was NOT an isolated incident.

In fact, I seem to be covering about one of these each day recently.

Here are the most recent ones:

HILARIOUS: The Krassensteins FACE-PLANT Again! (NEW Article, Not a Repeat!)

No one ever accused the Krassenstein Brothers of being geniuses (or even just of being "smart") but this is bad even by their standards!

A couple of days I brought you a report on Ed Krassenstein posting this very biased poll on Twitter only to have it backfire right in his face with 72% of his followers (which you have to assume lean Democrat) saying they're voting TRUMP!

You'd think at that point you'd leave well enough alone, but what does Genius #2 in the Krassenstein family do?

Brian says "hold my beer" -- let me try!

Famous last words.

Here is Brian's poll and below I'll screenshot the results:

As of press time for this article, the poll still has 2 days to go, but with almost 71,000 votes, it's a near clone of brother Ed's poll, which has TRUMP securing over 71% of the vote:

Hey dunces, you can run these as often as you want, the results aren't going to change.

Actually, please do keep running them because you're proving exactly what we all already know: the MSM and the "pollsters" are lying to us, claiming it's a 50/50 race between Trump and Harris.

It ain't even close folks!

Get out and vote like your life depends on it (because it does), but President Trump holds a COMMANDING lead if the truth were known.

And that truth seeps out each time these guys run their polls.

But it's not just them....

Fellow "genius" Mark Cuban also face palmed, see his below:

ANOTHER Far-Left Poll Backfires In Spectacular Fashion On Twitter!

These Far-Left "influencers" must be gluttons for punishment because you'd really think they'd wise up and stop sticking their hand on the hot stove....but so far they haven't.

And for my selfish amusement, I hope none of them ever stop, because this is pure comedy!

Also, it's sending a massive red flashing warning to the world about how America REALLY leans politically and Spoiler Alert -- it is NOT a near 50/50 tie between Trump and Kamala.

Not even close.

Nope, according to polls ran by the Far-Left Krassensteins, Kamala honk Mark Cuban, and even independent journo Sharyl Attkisson, the Country is united....under President Trump.

Little Ed Krassenstein posted this poll today and blasted it out to his 1M Followers on Twitter.

I don't follow Ed because I couldn't stomach all the BS, so it would be reasonable to assume that most of the people who follow him like and agree with him, which you'd think would make them Democrat Kamala Harris supporters.

But to juice the results a bit, Ed labeled Kamala as "Prosecutor" and Trump as "Felon".

Very fair and balanced Ed!

But even with all of those things seemingly in his favor, the results as of press time of this article have 72.1% of people hitting the FELON button!

And yours truly was one.

That is with over 65,000 votes already taken, so it's not as if it's a skewed small sample.

You just gotta love it!

But as I said, this isn't the first time this has happened.

Let me show you two other gems...

MUST SEE: Another Poll Backfires Spectacularly On Twitter In Mark Cuban's Face!

A few days ago, I brought you this report showing very surprising poll results from an "independent" former-CNN reporter.

The results were not only not what you might expect but far greater than you might expect:

MUST SEE: New Presidential Poll Ran By Independent Journalist Has STUNNING Result

Today I want to show you something similar...

Mark Cuban was feeling cute and thought he would post a poll pitting Trump against Kamala and he assumed that all of his followers of course thought exactly like he does (which is to said a Far-Left ideologue).

Cuban presents himself as the "smartest guy in any room" and yet he keeps having bad takes about our country and politics.  REALLY bad takes.

And he keeps getting proven wrong by the masses.

This was just the latest example, but man is it glorious....

Instead of running a "who are you voting for" poll, Cuban thought he'd get better results by asking "Who's persona and character would you like to see young children grow up to have:" thinking that he'd get more Kamala votes that way.

Turns out most of his followers have way more common sense than he does and they see that even thought President Trump might do "Mean Tweets" and might have some "locker room talk" from time to time, most of America identifies with him because he's genuine and real and has heart and true character -- despite what Mark Cuban and the MSM try to brainwash you to think.

America sees right through it:

Screenshot if needed:

What a beautiful thing!

Mark, phrase the question however you want, but American LOVES Trump.

We think Kamala is a vapid, brain-dead FAKE and PHONY.

Let me put it in basketball terms you might understand:  Scoreboard.  Look up at it.


MUST SEE: New Presidential Poll Ran By Independent Journalist Has STUNNING Result

This is truly a must see....

First let me set the stage so you understand why I am so blown away by this.

Let me introduce you to Sharyl Attkisson, an independent journalist with a pretty incredible career working in the heart of the belly of the "Mainstream Media" beast.

I knew of her but didn't really know much about her until now.

Here's her Twitter profile where she has over 500,000 followers (a very large following):

The winner of 5 Emmys (no small feat) and a very impressive bio which includes working at CBS, PCB and CNN.  Here's a short bio:

Sharyl Attkisson is a nonpartisan investigative journalist, five-time Emmy Award winner, and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. She is the NYT bestselling author of Slanted: How the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism; The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think and How You Vote, and Stonewalled. She is host, investigative reporter, and managing editor of the Sunday morning national TV news program, Sinclair’s “Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson,” which feeds to 43+ million US households each week and focuses on investigative and accountability reporting.
Her new book, Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails can be pre-ordered now (Harper Collins 09/04/2024).

For thirty years, Attkisson was a correspondent and anchor at CBS News, PBS, CNN and in local news.

In 2013, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for her reporting on :The Business of Congress,” which included an undercover investigation into fundraising by Republican freshmen. She received two other Emmy nominations in 2013 for “Benghazi: Dying for Security” and “Green Energy Going Red.” Additionally, Attkisson received a 2013 Daytime Emmy Award as part of the CBS Sunday Morning team’s entry for Outstanding Morning Program for her report: “Washington Lobbying: K-Street Behind Closed Doors.”

In September 2012, Attkisson received the Emmy for Outstanding Investigative Journalism and the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting for the “Gunwalker: Fast and Furious” story.

As I said, an impressive bio, but what's more impressive to me for the reason I'm about to show you is this is not some Far-Right Fox News reporter.

This is a former CNN reporter with an extremely mainstream following.

And THAT is why this caught my eye so much....

Three days ago she asked her followers who they're voting for, and you might have thought it would be close to 50/50, right?

After all, isn't that what the MSM tells us?

They keep telling us it's tied or Kamala is even UP in some polls.

And yet that's not how Attkisson's poll turned out.

Not even close.

96% for Trump!

Take a look:

Screenshot here if needed:

Folks, this is not Don Jr. running a poll or even Elon Musk running a poll.

This is an independent journalist, formerly with CNN.

And it just can back 96% for Trump!

I believe this poll.

What about you?

Can you say LANDSLIDE WIN incoming?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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