Conservatives on social media have been attacked by George Soros funded groups like Media Matters, Democrat lawmakers, liberal Hollywood elites, the liberal media complex and censorship teams at Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. The funny thing is, most of the people they attack are really good and compassionate people whose only crime of fighting to defend the rights afforded to us by God and by our Constitution. Hollywood actor James Woods, is one of those conservatives, liberals love to hate.

Late last night, James Woods responded to a veteran who said he was on Twitter all the time, but that he was tweeting for the first time to tell everyone he was going to kill himself. The veteran, whose name on Twitter is: @macmasters_a, tweeted:

I’m a good guy, I’m a veteran, I love America. I’m gonna kill myself tonight. I’ve lost everything I have nobody, nobody cares. Im in a parking lot with my dog and everything I own. Bye.

James Woods, the conservatives liberals love to hate for his political views, saw the tweet and immediately jumped into action, tweeting the Orlando Police Department. By the time he reached out the police, Woods appeared to have discovered MacMaster’s first name is Andrew. Woods asked the police for help to find him.

Hello, . A man named Andrew MacMasters just said on that he is sitting in a parking lot and is going to kill himself. He’s sitting with his dog, a black lab, possibly in a WalMart parking lot. Can you do a ? He is a Marine Vet. His tweet:

Woods made several attempts to have a dialogue with the suicidal veteran in an effort to buy time until law enforcement or his family could locate him.

In his first tweet, he asked for the veteran to share his current location.

In his next tweet, Woods attempted to get the veteran on the phone.

We can talk. I don’t care what anybody thinks. Do you? Let’s have a conversation. Just you and I.

Next, Woods tweeted: Someone said you’re Andrew. In Orlando? Im not trying to trap you. Let’s just talk. You also have your dog. Your little schnoot. Boy or girl?

Again, Woods attempted to get Andrew MacMasters on the phone, while letting him know there were a lot of people who care about him: I’m following you now, so you can DM me. We can talk privately. Or we can talk openly right here. Lot of people worried about you right now.

Woods continued: So think about this. A lot of vets, I understand, have come to where you are tonight. If you could just push this decision off tonight, at least, maybe you would also inspire another vet to seek help. You could save another man, too. By waiting to do this.

Woods continued to reach out to him:

Meanwhile, other veterans reached out to Andrew McMasters, trying to persuade him to change his mind.

@Sammy tweeted to MacMasters, telling him to give his “burdens to God”: James is right Andrew! I’m a vet in my car with everything I own. I’ve lost everyone the last ten years! I just buried my last family my mother two months ago. Never give up never give in! You can overcome! Give your burdens to God my brother! I to fight with depression everyday!

Wood’s tweet prompted the PTSD Foundation to put out a call for help, which then prompted a message from a man named James Kelly who told Woods he had MacMaster’s cell number, and asked Woods to send him a DM (direct message) on Twitter.

Another Twitter user did a record check and discovered that MacMasters was living in Maitland, FL.  Another Twitter user tweeted that they had already contacted the Maitland Police Department.

“Positive Change” tweeted a photo of the veteran’s dog that she found on his Twitter and Facebook page.

Woods tweeted about the massive amount of support for the suicidal vet:

If only Andrew could see the THOUSANDS of fellow Americans who are pulling for him. It’s like he’s lost behind enemy lines and we are cheering him home, willing him to survive. Andrew, do this for the “other 21” vets a day who don’t make it home from the darkness. Stay alive!

And then finally, it looked like the massive team of social media users who came together, regardless of political beliefs, were making a difference, as Woods tweeted some hopeful news: Okay. Just talked to Maitland Police. The dispatch supervisor there was terrific. He’s confident they will find him. I gave Billy, the dispatcher, Andrew’s home address and the info a reliable source DMed me. They are all over this.

And then, at 12:27 am, Jesse Kelly who messaged Woods earlier tweeted to thank everyone for their prayers for Andrew MacMasters, the suicidal vet, letting them know that he heard McMasters was found and was home, safe and sound and asleep.

Woods responded by saying he hoped that it was true: I’m hoping this is true. I think now he probably needs less focus on him from all of us, while his loved ones give him the solace he needs. Thanks to all of you who worked to save a valuable life. My heart breaks for the other 21 vets and others who didn’t make it tonight.

Last July, Woods’ Twitter account with a massive following was suspended for posting an image of “Democrat men” saying they’re staying home on election day (Nov. 6) to make a “Woman’s Vote Worth more”. LOL!

Along with the funny image, Woods clarified that it’s “Pretty scary that there is a distinct possibility this could be real. Not likely, but in this day and age of absolute liberal insanity, it is at least possible.”


Twitter responded to Woods’ hilarious tweet, with the disclaimer that it wasn’t real, by sending him the following message:  Hello: We recieved a report about one of your Tweets which includes text and imagery that has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact the election. Twitter informed Woods that if he wanted to use his account again, he needed to delete the tweet.

Woods refused to delete the Tweet. Weeks later, Twitter blinked and restored the wildly popular conservative actor’s account.

So sent an unsolicited email explaining THEY would delete the “offending” tweet for which I was locked out and which I refused to delete. As a conservative I am not about to walk on eggshells because of Twitter’s bias or liberal insanity in general.

Woods just may have pulled off a beautiful Christmas miracle for a man who bravely served our nation, and sadly, like many veterans found himself in a dark and desperate place. We pray that Andrew was found and that he will get the treatment he deserves and through the power of prayer he will find the will to live his life to the fullest.




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