Vermont Gov. Phil Scott just signed three major pieces of legislation that should have proponents of the Second Amendment very concerned about their right to bear arms going the way of the dinosaur.

The bills are designed to increase the age for purchasing “assault weapons,” banning bump stocks, and expanding background checks for purchases.

The Daily Caller has more:

“Scott also signed into law a ‘red flag’ policy to make it easier for police to take guns from potentially dangerous people,” reported the Los Angeles Times. The “red flag” law allows authorities to confiscate guns from people they suspect to be a danger to themselves, or others.

“If we are at a point when our kids are afraid to go to school and parents are afraid to put their kids on a bus, who are we?” Scott, a Republican, said in a statement.

The group “Vermont Gun March” organized a rally last week with hundreds of Second Amendment supporters to protest the bills, but it didn’t stop Scott for singing them into law. The group’s tagline is: “Remember in November.”

There’s one big issue with raising the age limit on the purchase of assault weapons.

First off, who is defining what constitutes an assault weapon and what is their criteria? Any weapon under the sun could be labeled as an “assault weapon” if it’s used in, you know, an “assault.” If by this use of the phrase lawmakers mean automatic weapons, that’s useless as these firearms are already banned and have been for years. Not to mention no such weapon has been used in these mass shootings.

This is why defining terms is so important. Liberals are playing fast and loose with phrases like “assault weapon” being as vague as possible to leave the door open to easily include all sorts of weapons under this banner and not just the AR-15.

Let’s hope gun rights activists across the country join together to fight against this sort of nonsense before our Second Amendment rights disappear.


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