A reminder that Joe Biden held a rally in Iowa last October, where he claimed that China is “not our problem.”

“We talk about China..”.

“I said China’s not our problem; China’s not our problem if we invest and remember who we are.”

China was a problem during Biden’s 8 years as VP and then President Trump came into office to change the unfair trade with China that had been going on for decades. China was a problem even before the coronavirus pandemic.

So China is still our problem and will be our problem for a long time to come…

Is Biden trying to distract from China by trying to make Russia the bad guy?

Biden came out with a new political ad that’s probably not going to age well.

He’s trying to make the case that the Russians are coming after him and trying to steal the election again:

He starts with, “Folks, you hear the news?” and then the fearmongering begins. Then Biden goes into his B-actor tough guy mode that he’ll handle that bully Putin when he’s elected.

He promptly begs for donations in one of the worst political ads ever seen…


Sure “folks”, worry about Russia but not China…

The information below is about a 2013 trip Vice President Biden took with Hunter Biden where Hunter was forming a Chinese private equity firm planning to raise money:

According to NBC News, Hunter Biden just said his meeting with the Chinese banker and the partner was just a social visit…

Hunter Biden was forming a Chinese private equity fund that associates said at the time was planning to raise big money, including from China. Hunter Biden has acknowledged meeting with Jonathan Li, a Chinese banker and his partner in the fund during the trip, although his spokesman says it was a social visit.

The curious thing is that ten days later, Hunter Biden was approved for a business license there:

The Chinese business license that brought the new fund into existence was issued by Shanghai authorities 10 days after the trip, with Hunter Biden a member of the board.

Talk about a quid pro quo!

Hunter Biden worked connections with foreign leaders during his dad’s official trip more than once.

Ukraine was another case where Hunter used his dad’s position as Vice President to profit.



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