A “visiting scholar” who has a Green Card in America delivered a hateful speech bragging and laughing about dead Americans and how China will force America to die because of the coronavirus.
There are subtitles at the bottom of the screen to read the translation. Jennifer Zeng is a force for America on Twitter. She exposed this evil man.
This ungrateful parasite Li Yi is a Chinese-American.
He received his MA in Sociology from Missouri U, Ph.D. from the Illinois U.
This is his bio (in Chinese) https://t.co/waWy71wBF1
He got M.A. in Sociology from the University of Missouri MU, and a Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Illinois, UIC, USA. His main English books: https://t.co/OHkrwW9Af5 https://t.co/SEbajSibe1 https://t.co/KCi9UoKUZU— Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferzeng97) November 23, 2020
Wikipedia has his bio to be translated from Chinese: WIKIPEDIA
it is interesting to call attention to the big box stores that sell Chinese “crap”…They’ve been doing really well while small businesses are dying: