It’s interesting that the media and the Democrats are just now bringing out Joe Biden’s past dealings with race. Where were they in 2008 and the eight years of Obama’s presidency? This is nothing new, but now the media isn’t giving him a pass since the powers on the left realize he’s not the candidate. It doesn’t help that Biden keeps making self-inflicted mistakes and big gaffes.

Biden had a dreadful debate performance and then came out the next day to try and recover. He made the remarks at Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push headquarters. Biden immediately began pandering to the crowd mentioning race and the perceived injustices of being black in 2019. Biden made several cringe-worthy remarks, but one stood out to Cory Booker:

Joe Biden had this to say about “that kid wearing a hoodie”…

“We’ve got to recognize that kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger.”

Cory Booker tweeted out to admonish Biden:

“This isn’t about a hoodie. It’s about a culture that sees a problem with a kid wearing a hoodie in the first place. Our nominee needs to have the language to talk about race in a far more constructive way.”

Funny how you didn’t hear any of the negatives about Biden when he was running with Obama. Biden has a huge record of saying racially insensitive things even about Obama.

And then I said, “Not a gangbanger.”


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