Dr. Anthony Fauci was interviewed on ABC’s This Week by Jonathan Karl, who tossed softball questions Fauci’s way. Karl brought up the unvaccinated and the unmasked in America so Fauci could lecture and blame them. Fauci fearmongered by saying there will be “pain and suffering in the future” with covid even though he doesn’t believe lockdowns will be needed. He warned that “things are gonna get worse” and blamed it on the unvaccinated:

“We have 100 million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who are not getting vaccinated.”

He spoke about the change in policy for the vaccinated to  now wear masks:

“The change, as we know now, is even if you are fully vaccinated when you are in an indoor setting in an area of the country that has a high or substantial degree of transmissibility . . . you should wear a mask, even if you, in fact, are vaccinated.”

Fauci was asked about Florida Governor DeSantis’ assertion that individual rights come before the forced mask-wearing of vaccinated Americans:

“I respectfully disagree . . . although you want to respect every person’s individual right when you are dealing with a public health situation . . . the fact is, if you get infected, even if you are without symptoms, you very well may infect another person who may be vulnerable, who may get seriously ill. So, in essence, you are encroaching on their individual rights because you are making them vulnerable so that you could argue that situation both ways.”

Florida Governor DeSantis has announced there will be no mask mandates in his state. School children have the option to wear a mask or not. It’s their choice.

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