JOE BIDEN CAUGHT WITH FOOT IN MOUTH… Sorry Dems but Joe Biden says no need for FBI investigation regarding sexual assault or rape accusations in Anita Hill hearings. “When people wave an FBI report before you, understand, they do not! They do not reach a conclusion.”

There is NOTHING for the FBI to look at! Senator Gillibrand (see video below) and Senator Schumer are clueless about what should be done here and it isn’t bringing the FBI in to look into this. They all have their marching orders so, “get the FBI to investigate” is the mantra of all Democrats…

Drama queen Gillibrand calls for the FBI to investigate:

Senator Chuck Schumer and other Democrats are trying to push for an FBI investigation into Judge Kavanaugh. This would draw out the process and is unnecessary but the Democrats want to drag the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh for as long as possible.

Schumer tweeted:

There is only one way to get to the bottom of these allegations against Judge Kavanaugh and prevent the nation from being thrown into further turmoil: an independent background check investigation by the FBI.

Schumer continued:

If President Trump and Senate Republicans are so certain the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh aren’t true, then why are they blocking the FBI from reopening the background check and investigating—a routine practice for judicial nominees? What are they hiding?

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