Ron DeSantis earned an award at an Iowa campaign event that will surely become official by Monday.

A participation trophy!

One man walked up to DeSantis to present the award.

“Real quick before we get started. Thank you everyone,” the man said.

“Governor DeSantis, I want to present to you this participation trophy,” he commented.

Many people in the room burst into laughter after the announcement of the participation trophy.

“Now, [you’re] probably not going to win the election,” he added.

“But we’re proud of you for trying,” he said.

“He’s special. He’s unique. He’s our little snowflake,” the man continued.

DeSantis rejected the trophy presented to him.


X users reacted to the participation award received by DeSantis:

The Hill provided details about DeSantis’ struggling campaign:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis faces a moment of truth in the Iowa caucuses Monday after making the Hawkeye State the paramount priority in his presidential bid.

Despite investing nearly everything in Iowa, polls show DeSantis has his work cut out for him. A Suffolk University Political Research Center poll released Thursday showed former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley topping DeSantis in Iowa by 7 points. Former President Trump continues to lead the field with 54 percent support.

However, caucuses are already unpredictable events, and coupled with the inclement weather expected in the state, DeSantis’s team says they are moving forward.

“It’s like an NFL season,” said David Polyansky, deputy campaign manager for DeSantis. “You have game after game. Iowa is the first game. It deservedly gets all of the attention, because it’s the first one on the calendar, but on that night, we’re all going to pick up and fly out of here and go campaign elsewhere,” he continued, noting DeSantis’s participation the CNN town hall in Manchester, N.H., set for Tuesday.

“We keep playing,” he added.

On Friday, the DeSantis campaign said the governor will head straight to South Carolina following the Iowa caucuses to telegraph to Haley that he is working to have a good showing in her home state. But DeSantis also has an uphill climb in the Palmetto State, where Trump leads with 53.6 percent support, followed by Haley at 25.2 percent. DeSantis clocks in at 9.4 percent.

And there are questions about how DeSantis would be able to continue if the polls coming out of Iowa are correct.

“It’s make-or-break on Monday,” said Jimmy Centers, an Iowa-based Republican strategist.

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