“These individuals aren’t just transpeople minding their own business, they’re perverts in the women’s section, openly provoking people and deliberately exposing themselves to kids…”

Violent Anifa street thugs showed up to a peaceful protest outside of a Los Angeles area spa to stir up trouble and assault attendees.

The protest was organized as a response to a video that went viral, where a female customer of the Wi Spa confronted its employees, angry that they allowed a naked man into the women’s area of the facility. She was further incensed that they remained unwilling to expel him from the spa. Watch the confrontation in the tweet below:

Antifa, the fascists who believe themselves to be anti-fascist, showed up at the protest to terrorize innocent people and show support for perverts and pedophiles. Apparently, they believe that a grown man parading around naked in front of little girls and women at a ladies spa is acceptable and appropriate, and those that oppose it are bigots and transphobes.



In a YouTube post addressing the story of the Wi Spa, Paul Joseph Watson says, “When it comes to moral degradation and its global epicenter, the degenerate trash city of Los Angeles, nothing surprises me anymore.”

“These individuals aren’t just transpeople minding their own business, they’re perverts in the women’s section, openly provoking people and deliberately exposing themselves to kids and getting away with it by hiding behind the false claim of trans-identity.”



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