In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invited Donald Trump to visit Ukraine.

Zelensky noted that Trump has said he could end the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 24 hours if he was president.

“If he can come here, I will need 24 minutes – yes, 24 minutes – not more. 24 minutes to explain [to] President Trump that he can’t manage this war. He can’t bring peace because of Putin,” Zelensky said.


NBC News reports:

Zelenskyy was unsure of whether Trump would have Ukraine’s back if he were to be re-elected, telling Welker: “Really, I don’t know. Really, I don’t know.”

In an interview with “Meet the Press” in September, Trump claimed that he’d resolve the war in Ukraine within 24 hours if he’s re-elected. He provided few details about how he would accomplish the task, saying: “If I tell you exactly, I lose all my bargaining chips.”

“I would say certain things to Putin. I would say certain things to Zelenskyy,” Trump said at the time, adding that he’d “make a fair deal for everybody.”

“Zelensky noted that he hasn’t had any contact with Trump since the latter departed the White House,” the New York Post wrote.

The New York Post added:

Some 20 months into the war, funding for Ukraine has emerged as a lightning rod issue, with Republicans in particular, growing increasingly wary about marshaling more aid to the war-torn nation.

But the Ukrainian president underscored that the next year will be critical in the fighting to stave off Russian invaders.

“The gap will be minimized in our budget and after that — after next year, if the war will not finish next year … I think we will manage to minimize this gap. And you will not help us [at] such [a] high price, I’m sure,” Zelensky said in choppy English.

Since the war broke out in February 2022, the US has approved about $113 billion in both military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, but not all that money has been spent.

Biden is seeking an additional $61.4 billion to the besieged ally as part of a sprawling $106 billion supplemental request that has meet resistance in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives.

Zelensky re-upped his entreaty to the American public for further US aid, by highlighting the benefits to the US of backing Ukraine.

“Don’t send your soldiers. God bless, don’t send your daughters and son to other NATO country. Because if Russia will kill all of us [in Ukraine], they will attack NATO countries and you will send your sons and daughters,” he said.

Zelensky’s comments follow reports of U.S. and European officials quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about peace negotiations with Russia.

United States Thwarted Russia-Ukraine Peace Negotiations?

Watch the full “Meet the Press” interview with Zelensky:

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