Want to torture yourself for four more years? Here’s the answer if you want the same horrible economy that hasn’t trickled anywhere but away…unemployment is high and businesses have suffered so much with overregulation. The Republicans would be smart to pinpoint the many similarities between Obama and Clinton. Hillary went on Al Sharpton’s show and couldn’t name one difference between herself and Obama:
Appearing on Al Sharpton’s new Sunday morning MSNBC show, Hillary Clinton was unable to name one difference she has with President Barack Obama.
Sharpton asked Clinton “What would distinguish a Hillary Clinton presidency, if elected, from a Barack Obama presidency?”
Clinton listed her view of the history of the economy under President Obama, but failed to list one difference between the two.
Calling for an increase in the minimum wage and “equal pay,” Clinton said she wants to “incentivize more profit sharing” from companies.
“We have a very robust agenda that builds on top of, layers on top of, progress that we have made under President Obama,” she said. “And the worst thing that could happen to our country, in my opinion, is for the Republicans to rip away that progress and to do a big u-turn back to trickle-down economics.”
“To slam the door in the face of hard working people. Whether it’s working women, or minorities of any sort, or the LGBT community. To basically begin to marginalize and dismiss the contributions of so many of our fellow
Via: Daily Caller