Teachers today are polluting our children’s minds and replacing their innocence with their sick obsession with gender identity. Leftist educators are reading books to our children in nursery school and kindergarten about transgenders and sexual identity in an effort to open their young and impressionable minds to the concept that it matters not the genitalia you were born with, it only matters the gender you identify with. Of course, to a liberal educator, helping a child from age 3 to teenager to explore their sexuality and identify their unknown gender, is ultimately much more urgent and relevant than teaching math, science, reading or actual history.
In an upcoming episode of the Australian “60 Minutes,” a 12-year-old transgender boy details how he began the transition to a become a girl, only to change his mind two years later.
As a young child, Patrick Mitchell had always wanted to be a girl, the Independent reported. “You wish you could just change everything about you, you just see any girl and you say, ‘I’d kill to be like that,'” Mitchell told interviewers.
After speaking with doctors, Mitchell was diagnosed with gender dysphoria and began taking estrogen hormones in anticipation of a full transition. Mitchell grew out his hair and the treatment caused the prepubescent boy to grow a pair of breasts.
gen·der dys·pho·ri·a
the condition of feeling one’s emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one’s biological sex.
When teachers began to call him a girl in class, however, Mitchell began to question if he made the correct decision. “I began to realize I was actually comfortable in my body. Every day I just felt better,” he said.
Mitchell’s mother recounted his change of heart.
“He looked me in the eye and said, ‘I’m just not sure that I am a girl,'” she told “60 Minutes.” Mitchell has since stopped taking his estrogen treatment and plans to have surgery to remove the breast tissue.
Some studies have indicated that at least a portion of children who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria ultimately embrace the sex they were assigned at birth, New York Magazine reported.