Another leftist educator uses the precious time they’ve been given to deliver an inspirational speech to high school graduates to instead, deliver a radical, divisive and hateful message. 

A Missouri high school principal sent some parents toward the exits last week when he made a disparaging remark about police “killing young black men” during a graduation speech.

Belton High School Principal Fred Skretta was talking about why he became a teacher when he suddenly veered off in an unexpected direction.

“I wanted to be a teacher because I wanted to change the world, I wanted to make it a better place,” he told the audience.
“I’m going to be honest with you, in a lot of ways I fear that we are not there yet. If we were there, we wouldn’t have conflicts between police killing young black men.”

Never mind the poor sentence structure. Some parents were so offended by the commentary they got up and walked out of the ceremony, according to Fox 4 News.

“I found it very inappropriate, I am highly offended,” a parent said. “You don’t use the platform of a child’s graduation to push a political agenda or push your personal opinions.
“Your job is supposed to inspire, educate, inform and not indoctronize one way or the other.”

Interestingly, Fox4News reported that Skretta posted an apology on social media after the ceremony, but the Twitter account appears to have been deleted since then.

The apology, according to the Fox affiliate:
TY all at #BHS graduation! I apologize if my remarks were offensive. Our law enforcement have difficult jobs & I meant no disrespect #agape

— Doc Skretta (@Principal_BHS) May 17, 2015
Belton district deputy superintendent, Steve Morgan, later offered an apology also, Fox4News reported.

“Comments were made at graduation and they certainly are not reflective of the district, so we sent out an apology in a statement today that went to all patrons reflecting that,” Morgan said.

Via: BizPac Review


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