Yesterday, during a commencement speech to a group of black college graduates at South Carolina State, an HSBC, Joe Biden, who can barely read America’s real national anthem from a teleprompter, tried to make himself more relatable by telling the Black students he knows the words to BLM’s “Black National Anthem.” It’s hard to know if Joe is intentionally lying or if his completely fabricated stories from the past are a part of his dementia, but after he lied about knowing the words to an imaginary national anthem, Joe told a really big whopper—one that can be easily refuted.

Hoping to make himself more relatable to the students, Biden shared a lie with them, “I got started in politics because of the Civil Rights movement,” he said. “I notice some of you are looking—I thought that you were wondering how does he know the Black national anthem? Well, because I sat in a Black church after going to 7 o’clock mass – I’m a practicing Catholic—at 9 o’clock on the east side getting ready to go out and desegregate restaurants and movie theaters.”

Only Joe could combine a lie with an almost entirely incomprehensible statement.


It might be a great story to tell if it were only true.

Today’s whopper isn’t the first time pandering. Joe used this tall tale to pander to Black Americans. During his first run for president in 1987. Joe used the same lie on February 26, 1987.

Believe it or not, in 2020, CNN’s Jake Tapper mocked Joe Biden for his lies, as he cited an NYTs article about how Joe Biden lied about participating in the Civil Rights movement in the ’60s.

Even the CNN panel, comprised of political pundits who could easily double as DNC spokespeople, openly laughed at Biden for his lies and for the outrageous cover-up of his lies by his campaign officials. “Has he fixed that issue?” a panel member asked, saying his lying “presents a problem” for Joe.

Outside of one random act of journalism in 2020 by Jake Tapper, will the dishonest media ever hold Joe accountable for his lies?

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