Not sure how this trend took off.

Usually if protestors want to protest, they’d do it at the park, downtown, city hall, in front of a Chik-fil-A.

You know, the usual.

But things have changed.

When you’re rushing off to work or maybe picking up your kids up from school, or something else urgent, there’s no better time to be preached at by climate protestors.

And the best way to do that is by lying in the road.

Can you think of a better way to get their message across and win you over?

And so, for your enjoyment, here’s a collection of everyone’s favorite protestors getting some pushback from drivers for unknown reasons.

How dare these drivers not submit to these mini-dictators, I mean, protestors.

What do you think?

We’re taking a poll….please add your vote:

NATIONAL POLL: Should Drivers Be Allowed To Plow Protestors Illegally On The Interstate?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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