In 2008, Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden told far left talk show host, Bill Maher that coal was more dangerous to Americans than a terror attack. As part of his campaign promise to the left, Barack Obama promised to shut down the coal industry.

Biden appears to have forgotten how “dangerous” coal is to America in 2012, while he was campaigning in the must win state of Ohio. During his visit, Barack Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden was asked about coal by a reporter. Biden responded, “We desperately need coal,” and “We desperately need all of the sources of energy.”

Last night, however, while standing on the stage with his fellow Democrat presidential candidates, CNN’s Dana Basch asked Biden to clarify his thoughts on coal, “Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden adminstration?” Biden, without hesitation, answered the CNN debate host, “No! We would work it out. We would make sure it’s elminated and no more subsidies for either one of those,” clarifying, “any fossil fuels.”

When Hillary Clinton was the Democrat presidential nominee, she also condemned coal mining in America, claiming she was going to “put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”  She was brutally defeated by the pro-coal candidate, Donald J. Trump in the general election.

West Virginia 2020 election results: Donald J. Trump- 489,371,  Hillary Clinton – 188,794

Watch, as Hillary tried to backtrack when faced with responding to her questions:


Top fracking states include must win states of MI, OH, W.VA and PA.  Coal is also prevalent in OH, PA and W.VA, all must win states in the 2020 presidential election.

Is the condemnation of coal and fracking that supports so many working Americans a good plan for Democrats?

Biden got slammed on Twitter for his anti-fossil fuel remarks, where he basically ceded the rust belt to Trump in 2020 and every Democrat on the debate stage in Detroit agreed with him.

CC posted a photo of a Trump flag stuck in a pile of coal by a river, saying, “Yep—COAL DIGS President Trump.

In the powerful TPUSA video below, a coal miner and his wife explained how President Trump and his economy saved them:

Let’s hope Joe Biden is the Democratic Party’s nominee for President. After all that he’s done to bring back the coal industry in the United States, and to support energy independence in America, Trump deserves to win every rust belt and every fossil fuel producing state in America.

What do you think? Can a presidential candidate win in 2020 if they don’t support energy independence, including coal and fracking in America? Share your thoughts with us below.

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