During the White House press conference today, Jen Psaki repeated the lie that the Democrats $3.5 TRILLION spending bill “costs zero dollars”…

She’s not alone in her false assessment. Nancy Pelosi (see video below) and Joe Biden are repeating the lie over and over. They want Americans to hear the lie so often that they begin to believe it.

The Democrats are just going to reach into your bank account to grab more money. Nothing is free when it comes to government.

Watch Pelosi lie through her teeth today:

David Ditch, a budget expert at the Heritage Foundation explained:

The $3.5 trillion in spending and tax credits combined with at least $2 trillion in tax hikes will add to the debt and have a tremendous cost to the economy and to the health of American families.

The taxes will hit families taking home as little as $30,000 a year, violating … Biden’s promise, reduce private sector investments that create jobs and opportunities for workers, and put America at a disadvantage with our global competitors.

Huge increases in welfare spending will discourage work and make families increasingly dependent on government, which is exactly the wrong approach to increasing wealth for low-income households.

Glenn Kessler, the “fact-checker” for the liberal Washington Post even gave the claim two Pinocchios and said it could go higher.

This is one big boondoggle…


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