In a recent episode of his podcast, Joe Rogan predicted a Kamala Harris victory in the 2024 presidential election.

“She’s gonna win,” Rogan told Michael Malice on The Joe Rogan Experience this week.

“She can win,” he added.

“She absolutely can win. I don’t think she’s going to win,” Malice responded.

Rogan elaborated, saying people are “giving into the bull s*** in a way that I never suspected people would before.”

“They just want no Trump no matter what and they’re willing to gaslight themselves,” he continued.

The podcast host also said he thought Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama could win.

“I thought that Trump getting shot would like, that’s it, the election is over. But it’s like, they memory-holed that so quick,” he added.


Here’s a YouTube backup (start at 11:20):

Per Fox News:

Later in the interview, Malice asked Rogan, “You really think [Harris’s] gonna win?”

The host altered his answer slightly, though maintained his belief she very well could win.

“I’m saying it because she could. I’m not saying it because I think she’s going to, and I’m not saying it because I want her to. I’m just being honest. Like, I could see her winning,” Rogan said.

“I think she’s going to lose a lot of the Black male vote,” Malice argued. “I don’t think they’re going to go in the booth and pull the lever for her like they did for Biden, who was Obama’s boy.”

Mediaite noted:

“Everybody forever was like, Kamala Harris is the worst vice president,” Rogan continued about Harris. “She’s the least popular vice president of all time, and then in a moment, a moment in time, all of a sudden she’s our solution. She’s our hero. Everybody’s with her. All these social media posts about her. Try Googling a negative story on her, you won’t find one.”

Rogan argued in favor of a nominee like Tulsi Gabbard (a past podcast guest) over Harris, but acknowledged she could never be nominated in the “controlled” two party system and accused the media and Democrats of “gaslighting” when it comes to Harris.

Watch the full episode with Michael Malice below:


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