The popular evangelical preacher and inspirational speaker may have permanently damaged his brand with what many consider a very lame answer to the question about why his church locked out the neediest people in his community, who were devastated by the floods in Houston and surrounding areas, while he remained high and dry in his $10 million mansion…

Showing off a toothy grin and posing in front of stacks of donated food and diapers, televangelist Joel Osteen showed not a shred of remorse as he appeared on the Today show on Wednesday.

Proudly, he declared that the doors of his 17,000 seat Texas megachurch had ‘always been open’ to the people of Houston who have been rendered homeless by Hurricane Harvey and its devastating floods.

The 17,000 seat Lakewood Church in Houston on Tuesday as evacuees race in to its parking lot after it announced it was open as a shelter

It came after shocked Texans arrived at his Lakewood church on Sunday to find it free of flood water on the ground level despite a Facebook post issued at the height of the city’s panic which claimed it was ‘inaccessible due to flooding’.

Osteen, still shirking responsibility for the decision, then said that the church chose not to open up to the needy because the city had not officially asked him to. This despite other locations in Houston inviting in refugees out of charity and not an official request.

Did Osteen really say he didn’t open the church to flood victims because the city didn’t ask him to? Does a church need to be asked by the government to help people affected by a natural disaster in their community?

Eventually, it opened up and it is now acting as a ‘distribution center’, finally carrying out good and much needed work as the city reels in crisis.

But Osteen now faces the wrath of an angry Christian community – and the disgust of those beyond it – for his treatment of the disaster. –Daily Mail

Apparently, many folks on social media didn’t feel as though the pastor, who also happens to be mega-rich, is doing enough to help the people who have supported his luxury lifestyle for years.

Twitter user @CollinRugg reminded Olsteen that the church belongs to God and not to him. Collin Rugg tells Osteen to “Open up His doors & let the people of Houston in!”

This Twitter user offered a similar sentiment:

This Twiter user posted a picture of his Catholic priest actually working in the Houston floods to help victims.

Outspoken conservative Pastor Greg Locke reminded Osteen of his “obligation to show the love of Christ at this very moment”, telling him to “OPEN THE DOORS.”

They shamed Osteen on social media, sharing photographs of the very dry land outside and questioned the Christianity of a man who had seemingly turned his back on the very congregation which built his $40million empire with their donations and undying faith.

The church then released questionable photographs which it said demonstrated how it had flooded over the weekend but said the waters had since receded.


Lakewood Church also sent photos it says show flooding in and around the building:



Two Houston men shared this video of the Lakewood Church following the flood as evidence that the church was unaffected by the flooding: 




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