What happened to free speech? The left is trying to crush it with the violent Antifa movement. Ben Shapiro is a 33-year old conservative who has every right to speak. Watch live-the speech was scheduled to happen at 7:00 PST California time (running a little late):

S.E. Cupp interviewed Shapiro about the upcoming speech and how some students need counseling…honestly!


Here’s what was going on up to the time of the speech:
Conservative Jew Ben Shapiro is making an appearance on the UC Berkeley campus to discuss free speech and how to help reduce the violence and open dialogue between Americans with opposing views. Meanwhile, the left has been busy preparing to show how they’re not interested in any views but their own.

We’ll be keeping you updated throughout the night on the activities at UC Berkeley tonight. Stay tuned…

In the video below, Ben implores activists, most especially  Antifa, to stop using violence as a way to shut down free speech and to possibly open up their minds to other people’s points of view:

Ben Shapiro has quite a few supporters on social media, who, although they may not agree with everything he says, (present company included) still believe he has the right to express his opinions in a public forum without having to fear for his life. 

Young Americans for Freedom on Campus or YAF, posted signs around the campus imploring intolerant liberals to not use hate and violence as a way to take away Ben Shapiro’s right to free speech. 

Businesses aren’t taking any chances this time around, after witnessing riots and the violence perpetrated by Antifa and Democrat students at Berkeley last year, when gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos attempted to deliver a speech on the campus of UC Berkeley. Signs have been posted explaining that they have closed early for the safety of their staff and customers.

ATM’s owned by Bank of America are being boarded up, so they’ll be protected in the case of a riot on campus.

Here are some of the classy signs posted around campus by YAF on Campus defending our First Amendment Right: 


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