Many predicted that the Democrat Party media would rally around the Antifa terror group, trying to “normalize” them, thus making their violent activities against innocent Americans more palatable.  And boy, were they right. It appears that NBC has now joined CNN in an attempt to “normalize” a group that ironically, is using violence to shut down free speech, which in a normal world, would be something we should expect journalists to protect at all costs.
But this isn’t a normal world…and we’re dealing with a media that puts their leftist ideology before their defense of free speech…
NBC News makes an embarrassing attempt at softening the image of the violent terror group in this disgusting fluff piece, as they identify the terror group a “household name”. Please explain NBC, is ISIS also now considered a “household name”?

Here is an excerpt from their coverage of Todd’s interview:

After decades of relative obscurity, the fringe “antifa” movement is becoming a household name after followers clashed with white supremacists at the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally where extremist Alex Fields is accused of murdering 32-year-old activist Heather Heyer in a car attack.

But the movement is still loosely defined and organized, making it difficult to get a grip on its size and aims.

Professor Mark Bray, a historian, and lecturer at Dartmouth, has tried to fill the gap in his new book, “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” that chronicles its rise. While Bray doesn’t participate in the group’s protests, he nonetheless considers himself an ally.

Yesterday morning, in advance of the Antifa terror group’s attacks on a small group of Trump supporters in Berkeley, NBC’s Chuck Todd interviewed Richard Cohen of the radical, leftist Southern Poverty Law Center. Among the many leading questions, Chuck Todd had for the leftist hack Richard Cohen, Todd wanted to help viewers understand how the “sometimes” violent Antifa group is necessary to keep President Trump and his supporters (or “new alt-right groups”) in check.

Richard Cohen: “Trump has tremendously energized White Supremacists movement in this country. There’s never been a candidate in recent history who’s been endorsed by the KKK”

Cohen goes on to call the people who have backed away from White Supremacists, the “Alt-Light”.

The what? 

After Chuck Todd set up the interview with the radical Richard Cohen, he shifted gears to include the pro-Antifa Dartmouth professor Mark Bray in the conversation. Todd conveniently never mentions that Dartmouth University has condemned Professor Bray and his endorsement of violence by Antifa to shut down free speech. Here is a statement from Dartmouth, that NBC’s Chuck Todd conveniently glossed over:

Here is the statement from Dartmouth, that NBC’s Chuck Todd conveniently glossed over:

Statement on Lecturer in History Mark Bray
August 21, 2017
Recent statements made by Lecturer in History Mark Bray supporting violent protest do not represent the views of Dartmouth. As an institution, we condemn anything but civil discourse in the exchange of opinions and ideas. Dartmouth embraces free speech and open inquiry in all matters, and all on our campus enjoy the freedom to speak, write, listen and debate in pursuit of better learning and understanding; however, the endorsement of violence in any form is contrary to Dartmouth values.

Watch this unbelievable interview: 


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