President Trump’s longtime friend and attorney, Rudy Giuliani appeared on CNN with Chris Cuomo to discuss a claim made by Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen. Giuliani was adamant that President Trump had no prior knowledge of Donald Jr’s meeting in the Trump Tower with Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. When it came to Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, Rudy didn’t pull any punches, calling him a “liar”.

President Trump’s former longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen claims that Trump had prior knowledge of the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Trump campaign officials and a Russian lawyer, CNN reported Thursday.

Sources told CNN that Cohen claims that he was with Trump when Donald Trump Jr. told him of the offer from Russians and that Trump approved going ahead with the meeting.

CNN reported that Cohen does not have evidence to back up his story, such as audio recordings, but that he is willing to discuss it with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating any ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani pushed back on the report during an appearance Thursday night on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” pointing to past denials that Trump had advance knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting.

“He didn’t know about it,” Giuliani asserted.

He also blasted Cohen during the interview, calling him a “pathological liar” days after news emerged that Cohen had secretly recorded some of his conversations with Trump.

Cohen’s attorney had provided CNN with a tape earlier this week of then-candidate Trump and Cohen discussing a payment related to a former Playboy model alleging an affair with Trump in 2006.

“He’s been lying all week. He’s been lying for years,” Giuliani said of Cohen. “I don’t see how he has any credibility.” –The Hill


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