American UFC star Sean Strickland criticized the Australian government at a Wednesday press conference for its COVID tyranny against its people.

Strickland, 32, blasted the Australian government for arresting a pregnant woman who posted a Facebook post critical of the COVID-19 lockdowns.

“It must be talked about. You guys did throw a pregnant woman in jail over a Facebook post during COVID. That must be talked about,” Strickland said.

“Shame on you guys. How do you feel about that?” he asked.

The woman Strickland referenced was charged with incitement after police raided her home for allegedly encouraging friends to attend an anti-lockdown protest.

Strickland said he would like Australia better if they had freedom of speech.

“How is that not standard with you guys? How do you not have freedom of speech?” he questioned.

“You have a government say ‘if you say something we don’t like, we will throw you in prison.’ How the f*** do you rationalize that?” he asked.

“Are you confusing us with Russia?” a reporter asked Strickland.

“No, I’m saying there was a pregnant woman who was thrown in jail during COVID,” Strickland responded.

“I love Australia and I love the Australian people, but you guys have done some f*****y, and so has America, but I think the moment Australia gets the freedom of speech I’ll like it a lot more,” he added.


We must never forget the authoritarianism unleashed on people in the name of COVID-19.

Zoe Buhler, the pregnant mother in the video, discussed the “huge strain” the arrest had on her family.

Sky News Australia reports:

Zoe Buhler made international news in September 2020 after a video of her being handcuffed – while pregnant and in her pyjamas – went viral on Facebook.

Speaking to Sky News Australia’s Sharri Markson, Ms Buhler revealed the stress of the ordeal led to her spending the following day in the hospital with concerns she was experiencing a miscarriage.

“All the stress actually did take its toll, but luckily she (the baby) stuck in there,” Ms Buhler said.

The Ballarat mother was arrested and charged with incitement over the creation of an anti-lockdown protest event on social media. Charges were dropped two years later after Victoria Police determined it was “not in the public interest to continue with the prosecution”.

Asked what happened on the morning of the arrest, Ms Buhler said she was having a nap when police turned up at her door.

“They just barged straight past my partner saying, you know, ‘Zoey, you’re under arrest’. It was terrifying,” she said.

“You know, my children were down in the living area playing, I was having a rest.

“I think there was about six of them… They just swarmed the whole house. They were in every room. And yeah, I didn’t know what to do.”

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