Golden State Warriors NBA Basketball star Steph Curry is fighting to keep an affordable housing project out of his backyard in his 8 million dollar/lot neighborhood in Atherton, California. The project would include building sixteen 3-story townhouses and is being considered in response to the state’s affordable housing plan. In typical leftist form, Curry has advocated for bridging what he calls the “racial wealth gap” but apparently would prefer that it occurs in a remote location where his ideology never has to co-exist with his reality and certainly doesn’t have to be a neighbor to his $31M estate.

Curry’s mansion

Atherton’s city council decided to develop the 1.52-acre lot behind the Currys, which will help satisfy California’s housing plan to develop 348 units in communities across different income levels over the next eight years. The property owner, David Arata, requested the housing project after inheriting the property. Arata claims the property will look like a small village, but Curry cites concerns of privacy and safety as reasons to keep the development out of his neighborhood, saying,

“As Atherton residents… we have been following along with the housing element updates with special interest in the 23 Oakwood property,’

‘We hesitate to add to the ‘not in our backyard’ (literally) rhetoric, but we wanted to send a note before today’s meeting. Safety and privacy for us and our kids continues to be our top priority and one of the biggest reasons we chose Atherton as home.”

Curry’s January 18 letter goes on to request that, at the very least, the city would ensure higher fences and extensive landscape to keep Curry’s yard private.

Robby Starbuck tweeted, “Turns out Steph Curry is only a Democrat until you try to build low-income houses in his backyard.”

The irony is that Steph Curry, who said he is profoundly committed to uncovering solutions and creating opportunities to combat the racial wealth gap, now has his chance to endorse the very thing he claims to advocate and is opposing it instead.

Steph Curry “doesn’t want a low-income multi-family unit built next to his $30M mansion. He wants to bridge the racial wealth gap, but as long as it doesn’t mean impacting him personally: Anyone else growing tired of these rich elitist hypocrites?”

Atherton city council will hold its final vote on the housing project on January 31.


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