James Woods is known as a Hollywood actor but in the past few years, he’s become a superstar on social media. His ability to get to the heart of a subject with wit and a bit of snark has earned him a huge and very loyal following.

He was suspended from Twitter last year but is back as of last night. The occasion for his return? Woods claims that he was inspired by a recent comment from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC):

“I’ve tried so hard this past year to live without the wealth of knowledge available on Twitter, but this kind of blazing insight can be found nowhere else, so… I’m back!”

He wasted no time getting to work trolling the left. One of his first tweets asked how everything had been going during his absence:

Woods went on to blast Mitt Romney with this gem:

This is the guy who passes a silent stinker in the elevator and then proceeds to lecture everybody about intestinal management. You’ll never come back from this one, Mittens. Even your magic pants won’t save you.

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