Hundreds of innocent people were caught up in what is increasingly looking like a fake “insurrection” on January 6th Tucker Carlson and many others believe was a set up by our government.

The unarmed female Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbit, who was visibly surrounded by a SWAT team in a room outside of the House Chambers posed no threat to Capitol Police, but that didn’t stop Officer Michael Byrd from fatally shooting her in the neck.

Today, in a report by the dishonest Washington Post, it was revealed that former best friend of John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), actually called on the Capitol Police to shoot protesters on January 6th. We don’t tend to believe reports from the Washington Post including fake Russian dossier reports, but if this is true, Senator Lindsey Graham needs to be called out for his actions.

The Washington Post released a report on the so-called “insurrection” on January 6, 2021. The article offers a timeline of events, with the expected exaggeration by the far-left Trump-hating “news” website.

In the WaPo chapter titled Bloodshed, the report describes Senator Graham’s reaction to fleeing the Senate chamber, and how he urged the Senate’s sergeant-at-arms to use guns against the mob.

From the Washington Post:

The Senate and House leaders also had been evacuated by Capitol Police and taken to an undisclosed location, but many lawmakers remained in their chambers for a few minutes before they were led to safety in the Hart Senate Office Building. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham was irate that senators were forced to flee their own chamber. He yelled at the Senate sergeant-at-arms. “What are you doing? Take back the Senate! You’ve got guns. Use them.” The South Carolina senator was adamant. “We give you guns for a reason,” he repeated. “Use them.”

Tucker Carlson called out Lindsey Graham for ordering the Capitol Police to “murder the protesters!” on January 6th.


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